Nayib Bukele orients the vote to his party during the electoral silence and has hours of urn closure

When asked to hold a press conference during the electoral silence, Bukele called for a clear answer. In addition, an injunction against the TSE magistrates.

The President of the Republic, Nayib Bukele, held a press conference on the tarring of this domino, during the hours of the closing of the ballot box, making proselytism the day of the elections.

Bukele called on the public to vote in the final hours before the start of the 5:00 voting centers. Sondeverbod, hizo mention to an electoral esolgan to orient the vote.

The mandate said that he had the mayor’s influenza of voters this 28th of February and hizo a member of the public to vote for affidavits to Gobierno parties, now that the election has taken place.

MINUTE TO MINUTE: Salvadorean influenza in polling station minutes after the ballot box, the most relevant of the election day

We are conducting a “remote operation” at the time when quedan, dijo in conference Bukele made a case of the ley elections.

Article 184 of the Electoral Code signals that “no official may pre-empt his charge to become a partisan politician”. It says that Article 175 of the banner reads: “Prohibit political parties (…) and natural persons from propaganda during the three previous days of the election and in the bidding day”.

Without embarrassment, when asked to hold a press conference during the Electoral Silence that the Code of Electoral Code provided, Bukele evaluated a clear answer and limited himself to saying: “I have completed the law, but women and others preguntan ”.

For his part, the Vice President of the National Executive Council (COENA) has confirmed his remarks on Twitter that Bukele has maintained a fraudulent discourse using the state apparatus to vote for New Ideas, and to hold a press conference this day. the elections are violent the Salvadoran State.

Assimilation, Bukele Arbitration against the Electoral Supreme Court (TSE) for irregularities presented at the initiative of the jornada.

According to the President, the debate on the credentials to the members of the Voters ‘Recipients’ Committee (JRV), which represents parties such as New Ideas and CD, are irregularities that are not being discussed.

The United States Embassy Negotiator, Brendan O’Brien, has made sure that his government supports fair, transparent and pacific elections.

‘The important thing is not to say that there is no fraud where there is no fraud. It is important to hope for the results and create that democracy will decide for the salvadorans “, O’Brien said.

Sostuvo adds that hay that will hope the results with passion. “Vital election is where all the votes are taken. What we want to see is passion in the process. The results of this time will be different, ”said O’Brien.

You may be interested: United States can not confirm that there is fraud where it does not exist

President Nayib Bukele read with his wife, Gabriela de Bukele,’s emit the vote this late at the center in the boulevard El Hipódromo. It does not have any declarations. In addition, during this security activity of the Presidency, a photojournalist from El Diario de Hoy said that other colleagues were involved and that they were being blocked in order to get to the mandate.
