Nayib Bukele is not allowed to travel to the EE.UU Assembly, as deputies | El Salvador News

In accordance with Articles 131 and 158 of the Constitution, the Presidents of the Republic shall apply for authorization to the Legislative Organ for the sale of peace.

“The President of the Republic shall be entitled to have the national territory without a license from the Legislative Assembly,” reads Article 158 of the Constitution of the Republic; without embarrassment, in the presence of opposition deputies, President Nayib Bukele traveled to Washington without the Assembly.

“The President of the Republic of the Peace of the country, without the permission of the Legislative Assembly, as the order of the Constitution, the correspondent of the Fiscal General takes the relevant actions”, demonstrated the deputy René Portillo Cuadra, of ARENA.

Legislative Decree 540 of 9 January 2020 is the last approved by the Assembly to grant permission for President Bukele to travel abroad.

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The decree establishes that Bukele will be able to sell the national territory during the period covered from January 10, 2020 to December 31, 2020, “in order to carry out the official missions that have been completed”.

“If he has denied the President of the Republic a permit to sell the country, there is a court order, never has he denied in the history of the Assembly, he (Bukele) himself. In legal terms equivalent to a notification, the country must be entered into when the president is not in effect, including, because the vice president is who assumes the functions of the president. It is not possible to provide a pais without a jefe of Estado, so it is necessary to notify. Bukele salió del país, sin lugar a ninguna duda, dentro del mes de ener, que no lo recibieron in Washington, allá en la Casa Blanca, es otra cosa, pero sí salió sin haber pedido permiso, dejó el barco con el timón suelto sin a solo conductor, ”said Rodolfo Parker, PDC’s deputy.

President Bukele’s leave for the period quoted follows: in Guatemala for the presidency of this country, in the year 2020; a working visit to Washington, DC United States in March 2020; at a textile event of the United States, in April 2020; to the presidential shift to the Asian continent in June 2020, which includes Korea, India and Singapore.

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As with the summit of SICA presidents in Honduras in June of this year; ‘n Santo Domingo, in Dominican Republic, in the position of President of this country; in New York, United States at the LXXV General Assembly of the United Nations in September 2020; a gira-presidency in Europe that includes Spain, Germany and France in November 2020; a la XXVII Iberoamericana Cumbre de Jefes de Estado y de Gobierno en Andorra en noviembre del año pasado; is the summit of SICA Presidents in Nicaragua, passed in December.

It was announced that Bukele would travel to Washington with the intention of meeting with officials of President Joe Biden’s administration, but could not be reached.

A source in Washington with information from the first mano of President Biden’s team informs El Diario de Hoy that Bukele should meet with the Department of State, equivalent to the Chancellery of State and with Juan González, Chief Assessor of the National Security Council White House for the Occidental Hemisphere, but the pedigrees were denied.

The source close to the Casa Blanca consulted by the Diario de Hoy demonstrates that it rejects Bukele’s meeting petition and González’s interview calls for a clear message: “the State of rights, respect for the basic norms of a democracy of is important for the Biden administration based on its principles and ideology ”.

Without embarrassment, Bukele contested in his Twitter account respecting the information he shared about his trip to Washington following: “What he created was for a President to travel to another country to attend meetings, even if he had a rebuke. propio. We have more than 100 years of inventory of the telephone (without taking into account other technologies), as if to call and coordinate an antiquated citation ”.
