Nayib Bukele despises “his friend” Ronald Johnson | El Salvador News

At a ceremony the passing Monday, the President went to the United States Embassy for condolences, including an invention for this occasion.

“This is a day to commemorate, but it’s a sad little day because we have a great friend of our country,” said the President of the Republic, Nayib Bukele, on Monday night.

Actu seguido, le entregó al embjadador de Estados Unidos, cuyo cargo termina hoy, la Orden Nacional José Matías Delgado en el grado de Cruz de Plata, la maxima condecoración que puede otorgar el frame Ejecutivo.

Asimismo, the president invented a new order, Francisco Morazán, and the first to receive was Johnson’s fault for his service to the country.

VEA: Ambassador Ronald Johnson: “The love of EE.UU. depend on respect for democracy ”

During his workload as a diplomatic diplomat, the ambassador provided support to the country, particularly in the context of the pandemic, giving important donations to staff of personal protection, fans and tests.

Without embarrassment, the length of his management, and even more so his search for the country, Ronald Johnson showed an unconditional friendship with the President of the Republic and is always compatible with the interests and democratic health of El Salvador.

When the State Department replaced Bukele’s governing democratic institutions and attacked critical media, Johnson limited himself to saying that both governing bodies and friends had “always agreed on all issues.”

VEA: Freedom of Expression is Essential for Democracy, says Ambassador Johnson

Before the release of golfers in the press, the emissary would feel “motivated” because no periodicals were circulated in the media. Poco dijo sober acoso constante a periodistas, los insultos del presidente, la instrumentalizacione de institutione para intimidar medios y eluso politico de la pauta.

This product is consistent with Trump’s exterior policies, has the potential to be abused by those whose allies are summed up in their projects, as well as human rights violators.

Lunes Nayib Bukele says goodbye to an ambassador and “his” friend. It’s possible that Johnson’s successor was indifferent to his abuse.
