Nayib Bukele asks California Latinos not to vote for Norma Torres

(CNN Español) – The President of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, handed over his jewels to the Latin Americans of District 35 of California “do not vote” by Norma Torres, a Democratic representative.

“We do not work for you, we want to maintain our lands in the subdivision”, Bukele wrote in a bag, through a controversial exchange of messages with Torres about the social network.

All commenced when the congressman was responsible for the migration drama to the governors of the North Triangle of Central America (Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador). Torres used as example the video of the Patrol Frontier of EE.UU. which captures the moment when the smugglers of arrogant people to the two little ones about the metallic wall that separates the EE.UU. of Mexico.

“This is a great achievement for the governors of Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, whose partners are governors who are actually willing to fight corruption and narcotics,” writes Torres.

President Bukele questioned Torres about the impression in the information that both minorities are from Ecuador. The Chancellery of this country has secured in a communication that brinda assistance to the minor.

“Mire señora, ¿leyó que los niños son de Ecuador y no de El Salvador? Además, is safe on the Mexico front with the United States. What does El Salvador have to say about it? It is necessary to use a part of the check of its financiers to buy anteojos ”, reproached Bukele in another case.

The Congregation responded to Bukele. “This is the result of dictators being more interested in their proprietary benefit while their people are fleeing miles and miles of money. Mondays new anteojos to be able to see the supremacy of the people through their eyes ”, assures Torres in a tuit.

Torres accompanies the message of a photograph in which it is a male and a little bit raised to the orilla of a river. The image is the salvadoreño Oscar Alberto Martínez Ramírez and his wife Valeria, of 23 months of oath, which Murieron ahogados in the rio Bravo when he intends to read to the United States in June 2019. For the moment of his failure, Bukele is president : habiko tomado position of cargo the 1st of June of this year.

“It sent the anteojos, tal vez pueda leer las fechas. Oscar and Valeria take part in the 2019 premiere during the goberno de [Salvador] Sanchez Cerén, the leader of the FMLN as a supporter (and probably a supporter). Apart from using tragedies (two times) to attack patients and be pathetic, ”Bukele said. Torres is not a reaction to the public news of Bukele.

The congresswoman of the Democratic Party is critical of the management of the presidents of El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.

Last February 7, Torres and Congressman Albio Sires sent a map to Bukele to express his concern about the attack by members of Médicos Sin Fronteras (MSF). The right hand side in the Las Cañas, Ilopango area, 13 kilometers from San Salvador, when the team headed for an emergency. The organization includes the temporary suspension of its operations in El Salvador as a result of the incident. The congressmen in Bukele will collaborate with the investigation.

Recently, Torres dijo, during an interview with CNN, asked the administration of President Joe Biden at EE.UU. not a cent to the governors of Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador consider that their presidents are not working and respecting the state of justice. Bukele, for its part, has submitted to EE.UU. a different treaty to Guatemala and Honduras because they consider their governing efforts to reduce illegal immigration.
