Navalny called his parties to protest “do not hold back” before the moves called for domination against Putin

The leader of the Russian opposition, Alexei Navalny
The leader of the Russian opposition, Alexei Navalny

El encarcelado líder opositor ruso, Alexei Navalny, het ‘n sus seguidores y partidarios’ n ‘no tener miedo’ en salir de nuevo a las calles de Rusia to protest the “arbitrariness and corruption” of the caravan regime in the New Year of Movements for Homeland Security.

“Salgan y no tengan miedo”, wrote Navalni in a message posted on his team’s webpage, where he recalled that “Nadie wants to live in a country where governance and corruption prevail.”

To posteriorly ensure that “We are the mayor of our barn”, and in this sense, the opponents’ collaborators have ensured that a new round of protests is being organized for the home in all the Russian cities.

Ante this new convocation, the Kremlin has intensified its repression in the last hours and between the detainees figured the leader’s Herman, Oleg Navalny, as well as the activists Liubov Sobol and Anastasia Vasilieva, for dictating a resolution of the minutes .

The end of the week, demonstrations at the national level will lead to the liberation of Russian politics and, according to the estimates of the body of Human Rights, a 3,700 people were detained on Saturday throughout Russia, among them more than 1,400 in Moscow and more than 550 in San Petersburg. More than 40 people are the result of protests in these protests, which are official permit holders, following police sources quoted by the TASS news agency.

Navalny detained the 18-year-old on his way to Moscow’s airport to spend months in Germany recovering from an incident – of which the opposition leader blamed the president of the country, Vladimir Putin – for having sued the representative of protests in his favor and the detention of protesting miles the last days.

Navalny sympathizers protest against his detention
Navalny sympathizers protest against his detention

Putin has shown himself to be responsible for any attack on Navalny that has called for a “mark of justice” for any convocation.

The Russian court makes a decision to stay in Navalny, who denounced a act “arbitration” that seeks to “intimidate all the world” three days before new demonstrations in Russia.

This decision is on time after the detention of various variants and a day after one series of registrations against apartments people looking for her and locales of its Lucha Foundation against Corruption.

The Tribunal of the Moscow Region considers that the arrest of the 17th of January is legal, for what the opposition leader will be imprisoned by Matrósskaya Tishina until February 15.

The 44-year-old opponent, who compared video conferencing from his detention center, denounced a “blatant violation of the law”, a acto “arbitrario” that search “intimidate[lo]”E “Intimidate the world”.

“The juices alone are the slaves of this man who rob our country, who robbed us for 20 years and who wanted to silence people like you”, aggregate the anti-corruption activist and the only Kremlin lawyer.

The Russian police have launched an investigation into the departments and offices of Moscow Navalny, dijo his team, before the new protests convened the end of the week to demand his release.

Ivan Zhdanov, Director of the FBK Anti-Corruption Foundation of Navalny, dijo que la polisía it is registered in the apartment of Navalny and in the offices of the Foundation in the presence of violations of coronavirus restrictions.

“There are many ‘pesados’ with masks. Comenzaron a derribar la puerta. [El hermano de Alexei] Oleg Navalny is in the department. We do not know what case and about what basis ”, aggregate Zhdanov.

The President of Russia, Vladimir Putin
The President of Russia, Vladimir Putin

Putin’s a crackdown on opposition leader Leader Alexei Navalny, calling on his followers to stop calling, and to call “terrorists” the organizers of protest protests.

Nadie had to resort “to the protests” with the intention of defending his ambitions and objectives, especially in the field of politics. I do not do politics, in the manner of responsible people“, Dijo Putin during a video conference with university students.

Putin warned that “everything that is sold in politics is not only constructive, but that it is dangerous” and recorded many cases in the history of Russia “when the situation is more prevalent in the market of the street and the road to a destabilization of society and the State ”.

(More information on Europa Press)


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