Navalny Aliados offer more sanctions on Occidente: “Putin and his collaborators converged in national politics the electoral and electoral arena”

A participant is given a card in which it is
A participant is holding a ballot paper in which the “One for all, all for one” during a demonstration of support by Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny in Moscow, Russia, on January 23, 2021. REUTERS / Maxim Shemetov

Alexei Navalny, leader of the Russian opposition leader, joined the United States and joined the United States President, Joe Biden, in taking part in a series of punitive actions against President Vladimir Putin’s group of collaborators., saying that the current sanctions are not enough to impede that the Kremlin has strong energy against the political opponents and violates the human rights.

“Existing sanctions do not apply to the persons affected,” wrote Vladimir Ashurkov in a Biden card posted on his Facebook page on Saturday. Enumerated 35 people, among them the multimillionaires Roman Abramovich and Alisher Usmanov, high officials of the Putin administration in the directors of various state companies that, according to Navalny, should be subject to sanctions.

“Any other thing that will not be recorded is that the regime changes its behavior,” wrote Ashurkov. “We must immediately sanction the leaders who have turned in national politics the electoral crisis, the robbery of presumptions and enmity”. Navalny and its allies also wish that the United States sanctioned those who had their money.

The list includes the multimillionaires, all the director general of the bank VTB, Andrey Kostin, the Minister of Health, Mikhail Murashko, Putin’s grown-up ally of Putin’s ally. Some of them have been sanctioned by the United States. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, who also appears on the list, did not respond to a request for comment.

A Usmanov portavoz declined to comment. Usmanov watched a video with Navalny from his home of 156 metros (512 pies) in 2017 for an investigation into the donations to a fund that benefits Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. The multimillionaire is going to have to deal with a defamation lawsuit against Navalny.

One of Abramovich’s portraits says that there is no basis for the affirmations, “which are completely fundamental”. A VTB spokesperson will not be able to comment immediately.

Navalny was detained on January 17 in Germany’s regression, where he was recovering from an attack with a nervous agent in August that he and the Western goblins attribute to the Kremlin. This is not any implication. A court has ruled in favor of preventive detention for 30 days.

If you have been in prison for up to 3 years and have a prison term on the 2nd of February due to incomplete charges for the terms of a suspended sentence. It is also possible to put up with other charges of malpractice of funds, which can go up to 10 years in prison.

Biden presses Putin on Navalny’s inconvenience in his first telephone call with the Russian president on the 26th of December after taking over the cargo. The Kremlin says Putin responded to all of Biden’s questions in his conversation. He has taken up the lamentations of the Western leaders in order to free Putin’s critics. The Russian leader has repeatedly criticized the occult sanctions by illegitimate observers and has judged not to change anything about external pressure.

The Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny explained how the intention of the assessor was orchestrated

Dozens of miles of people in cities of all Russia participate in massive protests the last week of the week to demand the liberation of Navalny. Para mañana están previstas más protests.

The public is dissatisfied, in part, by a video by Navalny confirming that Putin has built a $ 1,350 million palace in the Black Sea, a clip that has received more than 100 million visits since it was published last week. Putin’s ally, Arkady Rotenberg’s ally, said he had bought the light fixture to convert into a hotel, following his press service.

Increase the persecution:

Russia has opened a criminal case against “massive fraud” against the Ukrainian empress Alexandr Khomenko, who was proportionately funded by the Lucha Fund against the Corruption created by the Russian opposition Alexei Navalny, informed this Saturday the Ruso Committee of Investigation.

Khomenko, head of the Stroi Inzhiniring and VIP Servis company, has been investigated by three defendants under Article 159 of the Russian Penal Code, which refers to massive fraud committed by an organized group, said Committee spokesman Svetlana Petrenko, the Interfax local news agency.

For her, Khomenko “provided financial assistance to the Lucha Fund against Corruption and is currently in Ukraine.”


How Alexei Navalny was converted into Putin’s mayoral pesadilla and why it differs from its previous ones
