National Guard builds new hangar at Base Muñiz

The Guardian National’s Assistant General, José Reyes, announced that the castrated body of the country will open a new hangar at the Muñiz Air Base in Carolina.

During a press conference, the military leader indicated that this year will mark the demolition of the antique hangar 156 that will allow the construction of new facilities. The cost for the construction of the new structure is around $ 36 million. The actual hangar 156 was built in 1956.

“Through the steps of the Irma and Maria hurricanes, the Supreme National Guard, as well as all of Puerto Rico, partial devastations and totals of our edifices. “, said Reyes in a separate speech.

The ceremony — in which the director of the National Guard of the Air, Michael Loh — presented a ‘symbolic’ demolition of a cardboard box simulating the antique hangar 156. Luego, the military group developing a model cardboard which will be the new hangar.

Reyes, in addition, explained that, with the construction of these facilities, the Puerto Rico National Guard is transforming to carry out its three main missions: an emergency response contingent, combat communications and security missions. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Federal Investigation Bureau (FBI) have largely been involved in drug trafficking.

Reyes also commented that the construction of the new hangar could generate 150 direct employees and it is hoped that it will culminate in 2024.

While Loh is most pleased with the National Guard’s response to the island in the midst of emergencies such as the January and March earthquakes with the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Asimismo, will ensure that the construction will modernize the installations of the National Guard at the Base Aérea Muñiz.

“The hangar 156 is with a long history. He came here as director of the National Guard Aérea to supervise the hangar 156 and is present while waiting for his transition. 156 now have a plan in place and these installations will be modernized.

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