Natalie Portman appears in Australia announcing a new embargo

Natalie Portman

The actress provoked a frenzy in her fanatical principles this week with her public appearance.

Israeli actress Natalie Portman provoked a frenzy of principles this week with her public appearance.

In the new photos he took in Sydney, Australia, the 39-year-old actress was seen with what appears to be an embarrassment.

Portman, dressed informally with a blue shirt and manga and mallas with a baseball bat, is currently filming in Australia Thor: Love and Thunder by Marvel.

Although it has not been confirmed that the Black Swan star is actually hoping for a baby or not, many are surprised by the lack of action that is currently happening with the Marvel movie.

Sondeverbod, geen seria inaudito si la pelicula gira en torno a su supuesto embarazo.

