Natalia Téllez habla del doloroso motiva de su ruptura con Christopher Uckermann

I’ve been to Hoy’s forum and told Martha (Figueroa), I’ve been friends with her, Yordi (Rosado)’s production. I agree that Yordi called me and said, ‘Are you going to tell me Christopher, do you want to tell me? y yo en pe *** ja: ‘Nee, nee’ “, platicó la también actriz.

Natalia stated that with the passing of the months he did not hesitate to send the message about his rupture with the actor, then he would start circulating various rumors in different means of communication.

“I’ve been sad, I’ve been thinking of a time when I’ve not had a salir. I’ve been thinking of it. Say it to me: ‘Nath if you say it, you have a little control over the first golf course, you say what you say, tu respuesta, cuando te nombren y salga, va a estar tu version des las cosas. Yo no dije nada y obviamente acabó saliendo la nota peor, revolcada “, aseguró.
