NASA’s Perseverance Rover radiates new, beautiful images of Martian descent

NASA on Friday unveiled beautiful new photos of Perseverance, including one of the rover gently lowered by the set of cables to the surface of Mars, the first time such a view has been captured.

The photo was released less than 24 hours after the Perseverance rover successfully touched down near an ancient river delta, where it will search for signs of ancient life and set aside the most promising rock monsters for returning to Earth in a decade. NASA equipped the spacecraft with a record 25 cameras and two microphones, many of which were turned on during Thursday’s descent.

The high resolution was still extracted from a video taken by the spaceship transporting the rover off Earth.

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At that moment, the turn-off stage used its six-engine aircraft package to decelerate to a speed of about 2.7 kilometers per hour as part of the ‘skycrane maneuver’, the final phase of landing.

The rover is shown in extraordinary detail, just 2 meters from the ground, is lowered by cables attached to an aerial crane, and the red dust is shot up by rocket engines. NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, promises more photos and possibly an audio recording of the descent in the next few days.

“This is something we’ve never seen before,” flight systems engineer Aaron Stehura said at a news conference. “It was great, and the team was upset. There is only a sense of victory that we could capture it and share it with the world. ”

Chief engineer Adam Steltzner calls the picture ‘iconic’, and places it right up there with photos of Apollo 11’s Buzz Aldrin on the moon, Saturn as seen by Voyager 1, and the Hubble Space Telescope’s ‘pillars of creation’.

A number of thumbnails have been irradiated so far, too many to count, said Pauline Hwang, strategic mission manager for surface operations. “The team went wild” when she saw these first photos, she said.

The picture is so clear and detailed that deputy project scientist Katie Stack Morgan first thought she was looking at a photo from an animation. ‘Then I took a double take and said,’ This is the real rover! ‘”

According to officials, the vehicle is healthy after landing on a flat, safe surface in the Jezero crater with only 1 degree tilt and relatively small rocks in the vicinity. For the time being, the systems are still being checked. It will take at least a week before the rover starts driving.

The river delta – which awoke three to four billion years ago – is just over 2 kilometers away. Scientists consider it the most likely place to find rocks with evidence of microscopic life.

Another photo of Perseverance’s front right wheel, near rocks full of holes, makes scientists spit. They are eager to learn whether these rocks are volcanic or sedimentary.

This is the ninth time that NASA has successfully landed on Mars – and the fifth rover.

Just like with the 2012 Curiosity rover – which is still 3,750 kilometers away – NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter was photographed to reduce its perseverance under its massive parachute. In both cases, the spacecraft and the gutter looked like stains.

Curiosity’s cameras got a stop-motion movie of the last two minutes of his descent, but the images were small and vague. NASA loaded the better perseverance and its descent stage with more and better cameras, ensuring that it was turned on by the Mars atmosphere for the entire seven-minute dive.

China will try to land its own smaller rover in late spring. It has been orbiting Mars for 1 1/2 weeks. The United Arab Emirates also placed a spacecraft in the orbit of Mars last week.

Atmospheric access

Ten minutes before the Martian atmosphere entered, the spacecraft shook off its sailing stage that provided the fuel tanks, radios and solar panels on the journey.

It left only a protective air disc that carried the spinner and downhill path, and it fired screws to make sure the heat shield was facing forward.

At about 130 kilometers altitude, it penetrated the atmosphere and things started to heat up: peak heating occurred about 80 seconds, when the heat shield surface reached 2370 degrees Fahrenheit (about 1,300 degrees Celsius).

Perseverance is safely hidden in the air shell and experiences only room temperature.

Parachute deployment

After the spacecraft slowed to less than 1,600 kilometers per hour, it was time to deploy the 21.5-meter-wide supersonic parachute at an altitude of seven miles (11 kilometers).

Perseverance has employed a new technology called Range Trigger that determines the exact moment to implement, based on the position of the craft relative to the landing site.

Asked about the key event, NASA’s EDL leader Allen Chen said: “Obviously, there are a lot of concentrated risks in opening the supersonic parachute.”

To test its new design, NASA had to conduct extensive supersonic parachute testing at great heights here on Earth, a research field that has been dormant since the 1970s.

Heat shield separation

The spacecraft then dropped its heat shield, about 20 seconds after the parachute was put into service. The robber was first exposed to the atmosphere and used a landing radar to reflect signals from the surface and calculate its exact altitude.

The mission also used another technology for the first time: the Terrain Relative Navigation (TRN) system, which uses a special camera to identify surface features and compare them to a map on board where engineers have pre-programmed the safest landing sites. has.

Illustration of the Perseverance Rover, with its heat shield to the planet as it begins its descent through the Martian atmosphere. (NASA / JPL-Caltech via AP)

“It gives our vehicle eyes and the ability to really see where she’s going and find out where she’s,” Chen said.

Driven descent

In the thin atmosphere of Mars, the parachute dropped the vehicle to just 300 kilometers per hour – so perseverance had to cut the gutter loose, drop its rear shell and use rocket launchers to illuminate itself.

It did so using a jetpack with eight engines installed directly above the rover and shot at about 2,100 meters (2,100 meters) above the surface.

The vehicle had to tilt immediately to avoid the parachute and rear shell, and then use its sophisticated systems to descend further.


With 12 seconds left, at an altitude of 66 feet (20 meters), the rocket-propelled downhill stage lowered the stray beam down with long cables in a maneuver called ‘skycrane’.

The rover locked its legs and wheels in a landing position and touched the ground at a little less than 1.2 kilometers per hour, while the downhill shift flew off and made its own controlled landing.

A full-scale model of the Mars 2020 Mission Perseverance Rover will be unveiled to the media at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) on Wednesday, February 17, 2021 in Pasadena, California (AP Photo / Damian Dovarganes)
