NASA’s Mars rover had a secret message in its parachute. Meet the man behind it

The footage gave the world a glimpse into an often invisible process, including the deployment of the parachute to slow down the spacecraft after it entered the atmosphere.

The 70.5-foot supersonic parachute was an extraordinary engineering challenge, said Ian Clark, systems engineer at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. Clark, who has been with JPL since 2009, has been working on the parachute for years. He conducted three tests of it on earth to ensure that the parachute could survive by blowing up in the wind that is twice the speed of sound, or Mach 2.

“We’ve been testing what’s not really done since the Viking program (in the ’70s and’ 80s), which was supersonic parachute testing,” Clark said.

The parachute test was conducted in 2017 and 2018 at NASA’s Wallops flying facility in Virginia. The test team repeated the Mars environment by using sounding rockets to reach halfway to the edge of space with the double speed of sound and deploying the parachute.

Nylon, Technora and Kevlar were used to make the largest parachute ever sent to Mars, materials that were three times stronger than those used for the 2012 landing of Curiosity.

The team felt confident in their tests, but that comes down to the main performance of the parachute on Mars.

A secret code

Easter eggs have a history that they were part of the missions that NASA sent to Mars. Thanks to small holes in its wheels, the Curiosity rover – which investigated the Gale crater – leaves ‘JPL’ tracks in the Morse code, while making the Mars landscape.

While working on the parachute design, Clark knew that there would be a lot of utility in creating a pattern. Cartridges on parachutes help to convey their orientation, how they inflate and whether there is damage to inflation. Chessboard patterns can be confusing, so Clark wanted to use something less uniform and clearer.

Then Clark and some of his teammates decided to have some fun.

Clark is a puzzle enthusiast. He does the New York Times crossword puzzle every morning. His mother also stores the puzzles from the Sunday edition in a manila envelope that she gives him every time he visits her.

This annotated photo was taken by a camera with a parachute on the protective back cover of NASA's Perseverance Rover during the descent to Mars' Jezero crater.

He thought of coding words using binary code. But what would the message be? Although he had never been one to look at a motivational poster and get much meaning out of it, Clark noticed three words: “Dare mighty things.”

The motto, derived from a Theodore Roosevelt speech, is in buildings across the JPL campus.

“Week after week, I definitely never got tired of ‘Dare Mighty Things,'” Clark said. “And that’s not just the phrase, but it’s even the broader context of the speech. This great inspirational message represented the culture of JPL and NASA as a whole.”

He also included the GPS coordinates for JPL on the outside of the parachute.

When the parachute exploded on Mars, only six people, including Clark, knew of the existence of the message.
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During a press conference where the video was shared with the public on Monday, Allen Chen, entering the descent and landing, teased that there was something to be deciphered in the orange-and-white parachute.

Within hours, space fans started posting on Reddit and Twitter what they had deciphered. Clark was excited to see how others, especially so quickly, were engaging in this kind of mystery solution, as well as the joy that spread after the video of Mars was shared.

Clark hopes the images and videos of Perseverance will inspire people and help them get through the challenges of their days.

Inspiration becomes reality

Missions exploring the solar system, such as Voyager, Galileo, and Cassini, have long inspired Clark.

As a child, Clark watched Carl Sagan’s “Cosmos”, the 1980s PBS program recorded by his father. Clark saw Sagan talking about the billions of stars in the universe and sharing the original images returned by the Voyager probes as they flew through Jupiter and Neptune. This piqued his curiosity and made him want to get involved in aeronautical engineering.

On February 18, the landing day for the rover, Clark sat in the entrance, descent and landing room at JPL in Pasadena. He watched data come in across the computer screens and listened to the exclamation marks of Swati Mohan, the guidance, navigation and control for the Perseverance mission to describe what had happened.
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Even the smallest thing can damage the parachute “and ultimately lead to a bad day due to the chaos of the environment,” Clark said.

Wind moving in the wrong direction can have a catastrophic effect, causing the parachute to inflate from within and destroy itself. Those who work on entry, descent and landing often point to the parachute as one of the aspects of a mission that scares them the most, as it is one of the least predictable of the mission.

When Mohan says the parachute has been deployed, Clark monitors the speed of the spacecraft as it sinks through the atmosphere. At first it seemed a little too fast, given the distance between the rover and the ground.

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But the parachute did its job and slowed down the rover, and it gently landed on a perfect picture.

When images and videos of the descent began to return, Clark finally knew that the team’s efforts were paying off and the parachute blew up.

“The realization of what was happening started bubbling to the surface,” Clark said. “I said to the person who sent me the images, ‘I think today I feel happy. ‘

Explore Mars

With each mission, NASA builds on its past successes. This first video of a spacecraft landing on Mars will be used for decades by teams planning other missions, Clark said.

The importance of this kind of footage cannot be overstated.

Some of the first parachute tests done for a Mars mission took place almost 50 years ago during the Viking program. Clark said the footage from the 16-millimeter film was lost. But they were able to trace it to someone who donated it to a small museum in Bradenton, Florida.

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Clark flew from Los Angeles to pick up the film and have it repaired and digitized. Now the footage is being used to compare with their recent parachute test.

Clark continues to work on the Perseverance Mission in various ways. He was the assistant project system engineer for the beauty of monsters and ensured that the monsters that the Perseverance Rover collects on Mars in its quest for ancient life will not be contaminated by the earth.

These monsters will be returned to Earth in the 2030s by the follow-up missions, called Mars Sample Return. Clark will be the stage for the mission that takes the monsters from the surface of Mars and back into orbit before returning to Earth.

“We want to do this kind of mission for almost six decades,” Clark said. “If we dare powerful things, we can achieve phenomenal successes.”
