Suena band music. Cover the tequila. If you live and watch. The euphoric men were balancing on the air. It’s the party of supuestos members of Jalisco New Generation Card (CJNG). The images are side by side in social networks.
In the material there is a pistol supuesto with tactical rope and the insignia CJNG. They are also disillusioned with the party, with narcotics that go unnoticed, Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, el Mencho.
If you listen to the tambourine, the bomb that marks the rhythm in the melodies of the regional Mexican music. ‘N The video of a few minutes does not appreciate the call of some authority.
Mientras los mexicanos duermen, los karteles de la droga han sacado a las calles a sus sicarios ya no solo a presumir alardear sobre su presence in territorios, ciudades, y municipios, sino que ahora también aprovechan la distraction des las personas el el vacío authorities for armed parties.
Lo mismo han hecho el Cardinal of Sinaloa, the Zetas and the Arellano Felix. This is the ultimate organization that has created in the years since the beginning of its tenure, Miguel Ángel Félix Gallardo, consolidated its control on the front of Tijuana, Baja California (north of Mexico) as an autonomous criminal power of the other Mexican drug families.
Although in that era criminal organizations maintained a low public profile, the hermanos always hiccup gala of a life of excesses, violence and ostentation.
The Arellano Félix, Guadalajara’s Legislators, will promote their drug addictions to their events. Organizing scandalous parties in which we invite patients and regulars a cocktail of drugs such as cocaine, marijuana, heroin.
Who would like to take part in the planning of the festivities was arranged, and his persistence assigned. Following the epoch of those epochs, a tower of departments, located in the zone of the River was abandoned by its infiltrators distributed to the second-handers by the juniors.
Los Arellano Félix eran commanded by Ramón Arellano, known as the most violet of the clan. “If you are angry and stubborn, you will die; if not saludabas, también te mataba ”, segun reveló uno de sus sicarios.
In the year 2019, vestidos como demand the opportunity, Alejandrina Gisselle Guzmán Salazar, hija de Joaquín el Chapo Guzman y Edgar Caesar, sobrino de Blanca Margarita Cázares Salazar, la Emperatriz del narco, signed by the EU as the financial operator of Ismael el Mayo Zambada, contrajeron nupcias in Culiacán, Sinaloa.
A mass was held in the Cathedral of the Sinaloense capital on the eve of the ceremony. Members of Sinaloa Card and families of the new accords with the yellow emerald around the temple.
Recently read the invitations to blind trucks and cars. Meanwhile, it is alleged that Ovid’s Guzmán López assisted in the midst of November, and on October 17, 2019, he was captured and released by elements of the National Guard, led by Sinaloa’s Cardinal Ciliacán and his military servicemen. familiares.
The new ones will be a sacred gift to the families for whom the act is official.
The banquet to celebrate the wedding between Alejandrina Guzmán and Edgar Cázares takes place in a place called Alamo Grande, owned by the Italian emperor Antonio Sosa Valencia. Estuo arranged by the regional and northern band Caliber 50 and the singer Julión Álvarez.
This boda dio a conocer a travées de sociales, primer por un video que Instagram on chuenta @ chicapicosa2, luego circularon fotografías en Twitter, don se pudo apreciar de qué forma llegaron los novios a la cathedral.