Narco en Guanajuato: Abatieron a supuestos sicarios que “levantaron” a patient patient in hospital

A group of suicidal superstitions abused by state police intending to escape a “levantar” lie to a patient waiting at a Celaya hospital (Video: Twitter / Diariodenarco)

During the night of these March 20s, and social reasons comenzó do not see a circular and video and keep a policy abatir a supuestos sicarios que escapaban luego de ser detenidos por “levantar”A patient who is found in a private hospital in Celaya, Guanajuato.

On the meter, grabbed from a high altar, a pasty was observed on the other hand, and there were various dark spots, some of which were hidden by police officers from their patrols.

Agreed with extra-official versions, fueron Criminal Investigation Agents of the General Tax Office of the State (FGE) quenzes comenzaron a perseguir a los supuestos delincuentes sobre el Eje Juan Pablo II debido al reporte de sequuestro.

During persecution and childbirth murieron tres presuntos delincuentes, otros results with ball joints y logs the rescute of the person que presumiblemente fue sacada del hospaal contra su vrywillig.

The delinquent abrieron fuego mientras eran perseguidos por las autoridades (Foto: EFE)
The delinquent abrieron fuego mientras eran perseguidos por las autoridades (Foto: EFE)

Assimilation, assuming that the detainees are subject to the disposition of Public Ministry for the corresponding investigations. Además, is registered as los fallecidos eran jóvenes de entre 18 y 22 años, quienes quedaron en un terreno baldío luego de ser alcanzados por las munitions.

Getuienis geen confirmiging indicates that a white van, in which I was traveling at least five men, arrived at a private hospital located in the colony Aldama. Vehicle bajaron and ingressaron a la fuerza para sacar to a patient who receives medical attention inside.

The journey begins between the calls of Celaya hasta to read to the avenida Constituyentes, the state agents give the alcanzaron and start a persecution that lasts only a few minutes.

Police abatieron to tres personas and dejaron dos sujetos heridos (Photo: Alejandro Rojas / Cuartoscuro)
Police abatieron to three persons and dejaron of the subjects heidos (Photo: Alejandro Rojas / Cuartoscuro)

While the vehicles are moving, the offenders will increase the security staff with fugitive arms, as long as they repel the aggression. More metro meters, in the Juan Pablo II, the white van lost the control and the two passengers who started the skin.

At the moment the total balance that this hecho has is deducted, in addition to not having to know the identities of the detainees or the delinquent group as pertaining and the motive of the sequel.

The violence generated by the drug trafficking in Guanajuato begins with the goblins of Juan Manuel Oliva (2006-2012) and success Juan Carlos Romero Hicks (2012-2018), when it comes to the operation of local mafia that has a control over the distinct zones of the state.

It generated a radical change in the matter of security following the invasion of the CJNG (Photo: Diego Costa / Cuartoscuro)
It generated a radical change in the matter of security following the invasion of the CJNG (Photo: Diego Costa / Cuartoscuro)

The radiography of the crime organized in Guanajuato details that it generated a radical change in security matter from the invasion of Cártel Jalisco Nueva Generación, which claims to control the important cities of the state, to hold a free pass in the highways and to read the paths of the Pacific gates.

Peru Guanajuato ya tenía “dueño”: el Santa Rosa de Lima Card, la Union León, el Sombra Group, y los michoacanos cards, which holds distinct pseudos to the length and breadth of entity.

One of the most recent submissions of power took place the previous week, when various disembodied bodies were deployed in the municipality of Apaseo el Grande. For medio de narcomensajes, el CJNG signal to some authorities to ally with the Santa Rosa de Lima Card y su líder El marro.

the territorial dispute against remnants of Santa Rosa de Lima Card has taken part in the violence in one of the violins that he recruited in the last two years. When José Antonio Yépez Oritz, el Marro, was detained in August of the past year, its agents are mantienen in municipalities donde dominaban when the leader huachicolero command.


The brutality of narcotics in Guanajuato: CJNG sicarios grabaron decapitacion y abandonaron cadáver en León
Human Resources and Caves: CJNG Terror Messages in Guanajuato
Wrede interrogatorio entre narcos: supuestos sicarios del CJNG hicieron hablar a integrant del CSRL antes de descuartizarlos
