Napa may stay under COVID-19 home order this past Friday Local news

Services such as hair salons and wine tasting rooms are closed.

When the stricter homestead is lifted, provinces will return to the state’s four-color system based on new cases and other data. Purple has the most restrictions, and moves to red, orange and yellow with the least restrictions.

“We are deep purple,” Relucio said.

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Napa County had about 2,500 new COVID-19 cases in December. That’s four times the total of July and double the total of November, Relucio said.

Federal and state health officials say COVID-19 vaccines should eventually end the pandemic.

Napa County has about 139,000 residents. Relucio told supervisors the country received 6,300 doses of COVID-19 vaccine and administered 3,318 doses.

Vaccinations are administered on the basis of a phased system derived from the state and federal governments. The first phase that is underway includes acute health care workers, those in psychiatric hospitals and competent nursing homes, paramedics and dialysis staff.

Over the next two months, the categories could be extended to include home health care and dental workers. March could begin with vaccinations for people aged 75 and over and people in the food, agriculture, education and childcare sectors.
