Nancy Pelosi Pide to Pentagon Retreat to Trump Nuclear Arms Codes

Washington, United States

The jefa of the Chamber of Representatives of the United States, Nancy Pelosi, dijo el viernes que habló con une military jefe para asegurarse de que el presidente Donald Trump geen benotzen códigos nukleêre, y advirtió que el Congreso actuará si el mandatario no voluntarunun voluntarily.

‘This mañana hablé con el presidente del Estado Mayor Conjunto Mark Milley, in order to analyze the precautions available to avoid an unstable presidential hostile military initiative or access to the codes of launch and order a nuclear attack “, said in a statement to the leader of the Democrats in Congress.

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“The situation with this unbalanced president will not be even more worrying,” he said, urging the Congress to “mediate” if Trump “does not have the burden of maneuvering maliciously.” The mandate should be able to give Joe Biden power on January 20.

In another passage of the mass, the leader democratizes Reiteró his willingness to remove Trump to mediate a new political juice is Vice President Mike Pence and the cabinet will not replace the Vigesimoquinta Enmienda destitute.

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