Nancy Jiménez: A new era for the benefit of employees


¿Escucharon hablar del salario emotioneel? The salary is not calculated solely by the economic remuneration; the benefit of the employees is each position with more force as an aspect that the companies need to contemplate and by what they need to be, so the emotional salary is all the more important. Following a recent study conducted by Citrix in 5 Latin American countries, 88% of those interviewed appear very important that the culture of companies is focused on the physical and mental well-being of employees.

The focus in the welfare state is not new, but many other aspects of the work have accelerated their evolution. Hasta hace unos aos el bienestar laboral se viien solamo com el buen clima laboral, las oportunidades de crecimiento y el buen liderazgo. We go to the incorporation of other benefits such as salutary snacks, gym memberships, mortuaries all together and much more. Once upon a time there was a home office, the office hours and the flexibility of the room was to take place as a benefit of the property and it was necessary to have a balance between work and staff.

This balance is now in the center of the property and has much to do with the fact that we can manage most of our times, with ten flexible journals defined by objectives and not by hours. Technology has much to offer in this sense of burning the ability to access all the data and applications we need to work from any location and at any time. And it’s most likely to have a laptop and an internet connection, if you have the same work experience as in the office. If any place is transformed into “equal to the office” and at any time a different physical place has been made? Hecho, the 66% of interviewers screen that the future of the offices will be hybrid, it is said to combine the work in the office with the remote work. And the goal of going to the office will be to create another, collaborate and not spend 9 hours in front of the computer.

But it means that more technologies are being incorporated into the workspace (something that will be uncommon in 2020) surging the need to take digital advantage; that will sell the healthy relationship that we have with technology. Bestaan ​​technologies, hecho, que quitan el ruido y la distraction, que ayudan a organizer nuestro día y guian a las persona para que puedan lograr sus objectivos diarios. Includes the execution of small repetitive actions. Using artificial intelligence and machine learning, it has the ability to learn how to work and adapt to intelligent training guides in applications, data and tools that use frequent form. In this way, technology is positioned as a facilitator and not as an obstacle, and allows employees to optimize their workforce while increasing the flexibility that is required.

A lot of years ago, the Department of Human Resources was ahead of the rest of the policy. But it is clear that in the future the only thing to do is stay with the synergy of all the organization. And yet none of the RRHH and Technology departments have to work together to develop the control over people over time, which is definitely the most valuable resource we have.

