“Nadie wants an increase in light and me included” | Gobierno

Governor Pedro Pierluisi indicates that he does not favor the Electricity Authority (AEE) proposal to increase the cost of electricity billing.

‘Nadie quiere an aumento en la luz y me incluyo yo. Who wants a light bulb? For information that has been transmitted, it is only unique and exclusively at the cost of combustion. It is not motivated by administrative inefficiencies “, said the governor during a press conference in Bayamón.

The AEE applied to the Energy Negotiator for an increase in the bill of 2.14 cents per kilowatt hour which, it will be approved, will be reflected during the April quarter in June. The AEE attributes the proposed increase to what during the first quarter of this year, between January and March, below the cost of combustion and energy sales.

The increase is now in the hands of the Energy Negotiator. El gobernador vra ‘n is an entity that “verifies” that the increase in effect responds to the cost of combustion.

“There is a regulator that believes in making sure that those who support themselves are well within the AEE and establish that they have the ultimate word for how to increase rates,” he said.

I claim that, in short and wide space, the alternative is “sell the fossil energy”.

“It has to do with energy public policy, which requires that by 2025 40% of the energy will be renewable energy,” he said. “The only renewable source is the most expensive that costs a fortune. Can not be subject to lower the cost of petroleum. The gasoline tank is the most expensive because of the cost of the oil we do not control. The solution is to burn petroleum and use the sun ”.
