Nadie knows what’s going on in the Vatican, not to mention Francisco

Nadie sabe lo pasa en el Vaticano, ni siquiera Francisco, asegura a Efe el periodista spanish Juan Vicente Boo, que recoge lo que en tono humoristico le dijo el papa para summarizing the failure to explain “the most extraordinary mezcla of the human and the divino, artistic beauty and administrative mediocrity “that exists, including for a Vatican court with 22 years of experience.

“It’s a Francisco broma, but it reflects a reality: not only does it happen in the Vatican, it’s a nocturnal and tantalizing department that one of the cults has created, lasting a long time, autonomous and important”, explains about the quote which opens its book “Describing the Vatican. From within and from the furrow” (Ed. Espasa), todo a manual on this little State that “reina” about 1,300 million Catholics.

Ahora el papa est “reconduciendo todo eso”, lo que, a medio plazo, “decantará a los utiles de los inuttiles, mejorará el organigrama y aumentará la efficacia de la organisación”, asegura Boo, corresponding to the Spanish diary ABC in Brussels and New York, unbreakable in Hong Kong, antes de aterrizar and Italia y el Vaticano in 1999.

The most ancient institution of the world “complements its function thanks to an extra million for the help of those who walk it”, according to the author, who chooses a true style, a simple language and an original scheme of two columns (the basic departments) and sit arcs (the ones from the perspective) to respond to these questions: What is and how does the Vatican work ?.

Secrecy, mystery and a certain fascination he rode to the Vatican “from Sail IV, when Constantine manipulated the bishops to constitute an” imperial church “, which was part of the VIII with the creation of the Pontifical States, in what the father was at the same time rey of a territory in the center of the Italian peninsula and so the separation of the fieles of very mode very sad “.

The Italian patriots, from 1870 onwards, agreed with the Italian Union that “the popes and the Vatican machinery would be one of the most sought after, because they have much to gain.”

Boo explains in the book that when he joined the European Union and the ONU he gained 80 per cent of information and 40 per cent in the OTAN, while only in the Vatican he was able to reach 20 per cent.

“There is a justifiable part, since the number of bishops or dioceses must be confidential, but in many other lands there is a consequence of a ‘culture of bureaucrats’ that tends to make important ones always relevant information. no “.

In his book, Boo has “fakenews”, “provoked” confusion, “covers” or information filters, “denounced and discouraged mentors”: “The turmoil that finds a periodical in the Vatican does not have tears, then to the any are Italian and a clerical and career culture “.

And so it is that “sensationalist elements like many media” have been added, in addition to the permanent Vaticanists, adding to the information and intentions of influencing some groups of powers, such as “some millionaires” close to the EU Democratic Party.

“Many intend to corrupt Donald Trump’s Churches ahead of Donald Trump, through the characters of his entourage, like Steve Bannon, organizing an offensive authenticity that includes decriminalizing Papa Francisco by all media and including creating a ‘Vatican pseudo’ in 80s kilometers of Rome; it is what it calls ‘school of gladiators’, present as Christianism when it is just the opposite “, affirm.

Francisco is luchando por hacer cambios y, aunque no parece haber logrado aun el de hacer más facilit communication with the media, si ha advansado en otros: “El cambio mas importante y yu muy notorio es el cultural, hacia una cultura de servicio a los demas that monkeys exist in a world of bureaucrats intermediaries who only think in their ascents “.

Also “the beneficial effect of opening many gates and waiting for all in the Vatican piensen in the peripheries, in those who suffer aggression or persecution in many parts of the world and in the refugees who play life in Europe, Colombia o Bangladesh “.

“The defense of the Rhinoceros on the part of Francisco, including his visit to Myanmar and Bangladesh, has a lesson for all of humanity,” he said.
