NAACP’s Trump Riot Suit to Add 10 New Claims

A federal lawsuit filed against former President Donald Trump, his lawyer and far-right extremists, in the wake of the January 6 attack, has apparently reached new, heavyweight plaintiffs.

The NAACP case over Trump, Rudy Giuliani and members of the Proud Boys and the Oath-Guards conspired to incite a riot in an effort to prevent the certification of the 2020 presidential election is expected to include ten new plaintiffs, other members of Congress, add. on Wednesday, according to The New York Times and The Daily Beast.

Lawyers for the civil rights organization brought the case in February on behalf of Miss Bennie Thompson of Mississippi, claiming that the former president and his lawyer, in collaboration with extremist extremist groups, violated the 1871 Ku Klux Klan Act by depriving Americans. civil rights and the disruption of the election vote on 6 January.

In addition to new plaintiffs, the amended charge will apparently also contain additional information about the deadly riot in Washington DC, according to The Beast.

During the violent siege, Thompson was among lawmakers who were reportedly forced to put on gas masks and lie on the floor. The Mississippi Representative. Eventually, he was led from the Capitol to the Longworth House office building, where he hid with more than 200 other lawmakers, staff members and family members.

Trump has chosen Jesse Binnall, a Republican lawyer who filed a “Stop the Seal” application in Nevada, who tried the 2020 election results and did not want to stop them, to represent him in the case, reports The Beast.

The extensive lawsuit comes as Trump faces a barrage of other legal problems since leaving office in January.

Prosecutors in Fulton County, Georgia, announced in February that they were officially launching a criminal investigation into whether Trump had committed election interference by pressuring Georgia Secretary Brad Raffensperger to “find” additional votes. in the state’s presidential contest. In New York, prosecutors are investigating his financial activities while the Attorney General is publicly investigating whether Trump’s organization illegally inflated the value of his assets to file tax exemptions.

Meanwhile, the former president is also facing a lawsuit by two longtime Capitol police officers, who claim that Trump inflamed, encouraged, encouraged, targeted and assisted the crowd that caused injuries on January 6, and supported “. has also filed a lawsuit against Trump, Donald Trump Jr., Giuliani and Republican Rep. Mo Brooks of Alabama for allegedly inciting the uprising.
