‘N Bruine solo union to inaugurate the new president of the EUU the Republican congresswoman Taylor Greene presented an accusation of’ impeachment ‘against Biden

Georgia's Republican Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene
Georgia’s Republican Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene

The Republican Representative for the State of Georgia, Marjorie Taylor Greene, the current documentation of the documents with the pretension of the initiator and juicio político contra el president of the United States, Joe Biden, a day after that haya sido invested.

‘President Joe Biden is not fit to occupy the cargo. His boss’ abuse of power as Vice President during the Barack Obama Administration is extensive and divisive. “, has secured the congressional controversy, according to the diary ‘The Hill’.

Greene is one of Donald Trump’s unconditional activists who has been spared from spreading electoral fraud allegations, which the acreage recently found during its official Twitter account, in which tampons were escalated and insulted by authorities. Electoral parties and party bullies related to the conspiracy theories of the QAnon movement.

The President of EE.UU., Joe Biden on his first day at the White House
The President of EE.UU., Joe Biden on his first day at the White House

“President Biden has demonstrated that he has done what he needs to do to save his wife, Hunter, and remove the locks of his family with effective energy from corrupt energy companies.”, Greene accused in a communication, which did not include the articles on the series seriously accused.

Greene’s accusations put the spotlight on the superstition of influenza trafficking in what Hunter Biden did during his father’s vice presidency to log on to foreign energy companies when working as a consultant for Burisma, a Ukrainian gas company.

Donald Trump’s prescriptions of the President of Ukraine, Volodimir Zelenski, in order to investigate the irregular activities of the Biden supporter of the first political juvenile, even if they were to overthrow the President, should finally be abolished.

A year ago, an investigation was launched under the auspices of the Republicans of the Senate on this case with the overthrow of the regime in order to find evidence of irregularities on the part of Biden. Asimismo, in the information about the activities of his wife when working for Burisma tampoco se hallaron pruebas de nepotismo.

(More information on Europa Press)


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