‘N 10 years of tsunami in Japan, continental scarcity

(CNN) – Kenichi Kurosawa will take a precautionary measure against an altercation with the water in front of it, leaving the chimneys intact.

During these six minutes on March 11, 2011, a magnitude 9.1 earthquake shook Japan, 370 kilometers north of Tokyo, triggering a huge tsunami that shone against Ishinomaki, the city. cost that Kurosawa lives in all its life.

Minutes before when it was 10 meters high, Kurosawa, which was 40 years old, 3 meters up a hill, enclosing its walls around a frame and sliding it to save its life.

“I feel that the ocean is my institute.” I’ve been starving for a long time because I’ve been hushed, ”he recalls.

While driving the boat to the toboggans, Kurosawa sees people in cars picking up while flying while their vehicles are locked to the road. Others who have been aggravated have been harmed by the arrested firearms. During hours, Kurosawa will support both temperatures. Thought on his bed: The woman was called by her cellphone for 15 seconds while in the river, as long as the line went down.

When the night is converging on day, listen carefully to the distance you pay help with what appears to be its ultimate energy source. Dice who do not know the destination of this person, but Kurosawa acababa of sobrevivir to the most natural disaster in the history of Japan.

More than 20,000 people will die or disappear in the earthquake and posterior tsunami. But devastation is more profound than a natural disaster. Fukushima Daiichi’s nuclear power plant, in this part of Japan, was converted into a catastrophe in its own right.

Within 50 minutes of the first earthquake, the tsunami oil fires will reach the height of a 10-meter gap designed to protect the nuclear plant. When the water enters, the mechanisms of failure fall, detrimental to the combustible in three reactors and arraying deadly radioactive particles in the circulating area, from which it is dispersed and decomposes to lesser levels.

This year, the ceremonies to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the disaster will be discreet and socially distant in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. In Tokyo, the Prime Minister, Yoshihide Suga, the emperor Naruhito and the emperor Masako assisted in a memorial service, taking a break for a moment of silence at 14:46 pm, the exact time in which the earthquake occurred 10 to.

In spite of the destruction caused, many sober lives have been reconstructed in their lives and communities, but for many the legacy of disaster will continue forever.

LEE: Terremoto, tsunami in Fukushima nuclear disaster: repeats the hechos clave in Japan 10 years later

The power of a tsunami

Ishinomaki, the second largest city in Miyagi prefecture, is one of the most affected by the tsunami. They cover 5 kilometers of earth and cover the 15% of the city, according to the Tsunami International Information Center.

The tsunami destroyed more than 50,000 hogas and edifices alone of Ishinomaki, destroying the vibrant city and mayor’s part of its maritime port and infrastructure. There are 3,100 people in the city who will lose their lives.

Kurosawa, a plumber, was working on a 12-kilometer-old people’s hut when the earthquake occurred. He called his wife, who was in refuge in a bank, and said he would find her in his house.

Minutes later, a tsunami alert was issued. Intention to call his new spouse, but the phone lines are dead. Concerned about his safety, Kurosawa jumped into his car and crashed into a house where he could be taken to a more hilly area. The coaches pass all the time by their lads in the opposite direction and are directed to the evacuation zones established in the adjacent land.

While getting close to his house, he sees that tsunami barriers in the distance. When it comes down to it, it’s account of eran coaches, arrested by the olas, subiendo and bajando.

Mientras giraba desperately in U, vio a man who intends to escape to pie del agua entrante. “Put it in the car by the wind and our water lilies.” But for the time being, the tsunami was also a stalemate with us, ”Kurosawa doubled.

Get ready for the holidays, abandon the car and take the bus to find refuge.

Mientras Kurosawa trepaba por el árbol, una rama se rompió y cayó al terraplén. Kurosawa is bound by the river just as the oil is harvested. The man who had rescued this same. “I thought I did not want to log in”, dice.

“It’s hard to imagine the power of a tsunami less than what people have experienced; it is a destructive force that simply drags everything and destroys everything in its path ».

LEE: The 13 most deadly tsunamis in history

Disaster nuclear power

While the tsunami extends beyond the interior of Fukushima Prefecture, Daiichi’s nuclear plant is in danger.

Japón verklaar a nuclear emergence on March 11, 2011 due to the devastation caused by this type of Chernobyl incident in 1986. More than 300,000 people alive near the Daiichi nuclear plant were forced to evacuate temporarily , según la Cruz Roja. Another 50,000 people voluntarily cross the irradiated zones.

In the following months and years, parts of the Fukushima area were converted into ghost towns, visited solely by officials of the Tokyo Electric Energy Company (TEPCO), security inspectors and tourists who sparked an emotion. Since the disaster, TEPCO has been bombarded with hundreds of tons of water on the core plant to free up the reactors and maintain the radiation release.

It is to be hoped that the limelight of this disastrous demise will cost you millions of dollars. More than 35,000 people were displaced, 10 years after the original collapse, according to Fukushima authorities.

    Fukushima Disaster nuclear tsunami in Japan

The humus buy of the nuclear power plant Fukushima Daiichi dies after the earthquake and tsunami.

Hajime Matsukubo, spokesperson for the Tokyo Nuclear Information Center in Tokyo, an anti-nuclear public interest organization, said the regions affected by the earthquake and tsunami had recovered in its majority. As a matter of fact, the recovery work on the Fukushima Daiichi core plant has been maintained since the collapse, and due to the large amount of dinosaur gas, the population of the zone has been reduced since mid-2010. “For 10 years now, what we have learned is that once a nuclear accident occurs, limpism is extremely difficult,” he said.

Currently, TEPCO is launching more than a million metric tonic water tanks that will be used to free up huge tank plants in the plant. According to the emergency room, there is growing demand for resources and authorities, including the Minister of the Middle East, he indicated that the unique solution will be released in the ocean, a plan that encourages opposition from industry activists and representatives.

In 2014, the Japanese government began issuing evacuation orders for zones with annual radiation doses of 20 millisieverts, the maximum exposure recommended by international security vigilance organizations, and the equivalent of two.

In March 2020, only 2.4% of the prefecture will increase the number of residents, including parts of this area that are accessible for letter visits, according to the Japanese Ministry of the Middle East.

As a matter of fact, following the descriptions of the de-escalation, a 2020 survey conducted by the Kwansei Gakuin University found that 65% of the evacuees would not be able to return to Fukushima Prefecture; 46% say they are concerned about the residual contamination of the medium environment and 45% say they are in another place.

Fukushima also sued Japan’s large-scale energy deal with Kernkrag Energy. Before the disaster, approximately 50 reactors in the country have a proportion of more than 30% of their energy, according to the Nuclear World Association, an industry organization.

It ended on May 5, 2012, when the last reactor in operation in the country, in Hokkaido, was closed for inspection, giving Japan its nuclear energy for the first time in more than 45 years. (Two units of the Oi nuclear power plant were briefly rehabilitated in 2012, but would like to be in service one year later).

Through the nuclear collapse, countries like Germany promise to close all nuclear reactors by 2022. But there have been years later, experts in Japan have been divided over the use of technology, which is better for the medium than the combustion plant, m that the antinuclear posture of the public has slowly disappeared.

In August 2015, a reactor was sent to Sendai, in Kagoshima Prefecture, and to Kyushu’s sure island.

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Paso del tiempo

On the 12th of March, Kurosawa is in full swing. Paris that a bomb had destroyed its city.

Goes straight to the house, wading between the shelters, squeezing parts of broken boats that have been leaked to the orilla. The edemaios derrumbados are sumergieron in the water, and luchó to breathe the air loaded humo.

Kurosawa’s wife was still alive, having been evacuated to a school on a higher ground. Pero de la noche a la mañana, habían perdido amigos y los fisicos limits that formaban sus vidas.

Terremoto tsunami Japan

The magnitude 9.1 earthquake struck Japan on March 11 at 14:46 local time, provoking a tsunami.

During the next six months, Kurosawa and his wife spent time in nursing homes and in the offices of his friends. In August 2011, a temporary living space for disasters was built, a prefabricated edifice that will last for more than three years. In practice, Kurosawa uses plumbing skills and offers as a volunteer to help its local community with trade unions. Todavía lives in Ishinomaki.

«Did not have a normal routine and an abnormal one that converts to the new standard. Pasaron un año, dos años, la realidad anormal volvió a la normidad », dobbeltsteen Kurosawa. During five years, I spent the night walking between the swamps of his native city.

Hoy in Ishinomaki, Kurosawa says that the sentiments of the people have the nuclear energy in the region since then varied as the experience of each person on the anniversary of the disaster.

Terremoto tsunami Japan 2011

Kenichi Kurosawa (center) and his friends dibujan the words “¡Ganbaro!” the “aguanta” in an illuminated publicity fair with car lights in Ishinomaki, Miyagi Prefecture, April 10, 2011.

“The man asked me what he had been doing since he was 10 years old. All of them are living in this line of extended time and making me feel better, ”he said.

In the long run, Kurosawa has succeeded in rebuilding his life, his business and his community. Hoy, 10 square meters of high-altitude coastal stairs extend over 56 kilometers to the coast to protect its oceans. He operated on new public residences in the city of the city, while others were being rebuilt.

Kurosawa says that the emotional scars of the characters are so great when they are being rebuilt. But, dice, did not feel alive in the passage. Hoy, Kurosawa is playing an active role in teaching other people about disaster preparedness and follow-up.

“A thing that learns from this disaster is that the people need to live in community. Creo que la esperanza está en nosotros », dobbeltsteen.

In veces, pass by delante del árbol that the salvo the life. Including intention one time volver and escalarlo.

James Griffiths, Angus Watson and Chie Kobayashi of CNN made a contribution on Hong Kong and Tokyo.
