Myriam Montemayor’s sentencing in full program live

‘N Uno de los recientes programs of’ De Primera Mano ‘tuvieron como invitada spesiaal a Toñita donde tocaron el polemic theme between her and Myriam Montemayor.

Addis Tuñón compartment that is being investigated by Toñita’s statements that assured that Montemayor had found him novio during 15 days with as many as no other women, words that the conductor of De Primera Mano ‘corroboró.

“You do not know the numbers, but you can help me describe the romances and situations, and many years ago you were in a party where you were, and you knew this person,” Tu Tuón explains.

Toñita no se queda callada

Vervolgó “It’s a person who’s with me who’s like me.”

Aunado a ello la cantante destacó que aunque ela ya no quería hablar de su accompaniment de ‘La Academia’, el día 8 April abemar sa sacre un tuit donde la involucraba, fue la gota que derramó el vaso.

For this reason, in front of the cameras of the show program in Montemayor.

“Sigue hablando de mí y yo voy a sacar todos tus trapitos al sol, yo no voy a andar con juegos”.

Toñita no se queda callada
