My PS5 is now matte black thanks to Dbrand’s Darkplates

Maybe you like the distinctive white-and-black look of the PlayStation 5. Maybe you have not. Maybe you should use a Zune brown and orange model as long as you can get it in stock. But wherever you go for the PS5 color, one thing is for sure: there is a lot of demand for other options.

Dbrand bet it when he recently offered his matte black replacement “Darkplates” for sale while he assaulted Sony to sue. Consecutive waves of the product were quickly sold out to the point that it is now almost as hard to find as the PS5 itself; the next batch will only be shipped in May, although you can still place an order.

Either way, the PS5 does not look like it anyway, but since Dbrand sent a set of Darkplates, I was curious if they would change their mind. This afternoon I’m taking down my PS5’s light plates (?) To see for myself.

The process is pretty simple. Here is Dbrand’s video on how to replace the PS5 discs:

I found it a little harder to take off the white plates than this video suggests, but I was reluctant to exert too much force for fear of damaging my barely console from the teeth. Once you get rid of the plates and slide them down, it’s very easy to secure the Darkplates in place – they just come in with a satisfying click. It does not feel like you are doing something that the PS5 did not intend to do out of the box, so I think Sony is missing out on it by not selling its own official interchangeable discs.

Here’s what the PS5 looks like on both sides with the stock plates removed:

And here are some pictures with the Darkplates attached:

The Darkplates feel sturdy and of high quality – they are not just thin pieces of plastic. Of course, you would expect that much for $ 49 plus shipping. But Dbrand certainly went the extra mile to make it feel like a premium product, and this is perhaps best expressed by the company’s own twist on Sony’s PlayStation icon microtexture. As on the PS5, it’s hard to see or photograph with the naked eye, but it’s there:

Dbrand also sent a matte black skin to cover the glossy black center sections of the PS5. These are also available in different colors. I found it easier to apply than I expected, but it did not become 100 percent perfect – the skin was slightly skewed around the USB-A port, although it would not interfere with use. But I’m not really convinced that I prefer this look rather than leaving the middle section glossy.

Here are some shots with the skin attached for a complete matte-black effect:

Eventually I thought I would compare my matte matte black PS5 to the similar matte black Xbox Series X. I have to admit that the black finish apparently has a slimming effect on the PS5:

As mentioned before, the Darkplates cost $ 49 plus shipping, while the midrange is $ 11.95 extra. You can still order now, but they will only be shipped in May. Is it a lot to pay to change the color of your PS5? Yes. But if you are set on this idea, I think you will enjoy the Darkplates.
