Must be tried for Capitol riots, important steps towards unity

The week

White House, a dual group of lawmakers, discusses Biden’s COVID-19 aid plan

White House officials and 16 moderate Democratic and Republican senators reported on Sunday, according to The Washington Post, on President Biden’s $ 1.9 billion coronavirus relief plan. by Senator Joe Manchin (DW.Va.) and led by Brian Deese, Director of the National Economic Council. Biden called for unity and wants to see dual support for his plan, and before the call, Deese told reporters “we are in a difficult moment for the virus and the economy. Without decisive action we could run the risk of “There was agreement on the need to spend more money on the manufacture and distribution of vaccines,” reports the Post. there when it comes to $ 1400 checks, and some lawmakers want to limit it so that the money goes to the most needy families, instead of Americans earning $ 75,000 or less, as has been done during the last two rounds of COVID.19 Some Republicans have also complained about the proposal, including raising the federal minimum wage to $ 15 an hour. ‘There are still many unanswered questions, especially how the government demanded $ 1.9 billion, as we figures n “It is clear that there is still about $ 1.8 billion in money to be spent,” said Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) told the Post. “We hope to get more data documenting the need for them.” Sen. Angus King (I-Maine) described the call as a ‘genuine, open discussion’ and said the $ 1.9 billion price proposal was not a monopoly. Every dollar we talk about here is borrowed from our grandchildren. We have the responsibility to be managers. ‘While Biden and others may hold to a united vote, Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) Is proposing the use of a procedural tool that could get Democrats moving through the package. The Senate is split 50-50, with Vice President Kamala Harris the breakaway. More stories from Colleagues are shocked that a ‘naughty’ Justice Department official at Trump’s election campaign Josh Hawley knows exactly what he’s doing with 5 very funny cartoons about Biden’s COVID -19 print
