Musk insinúa cuándo podría Starlink salir a bolsa

This statement reaffirms SpaceX’s plans to separate the satellite Internet business into an independent and public company.

Elon Musk, the proprietor of SpaceX and CEO of Tesla, took part in a discussion with the seguidores of Twitter, and la que sostuvo that Starlink’s salute, spaceX affiliate and designed to launch and operate an Internet satellite network, depending on its financial situation.

“It’s probably worth noting that Starlink has been contributing to the issue for some time now that the crime rate has increased reasonably,” he wrote.

Musk’s speeches are based on statements made last February by Gwynn Shotwell, SpaceX’s president and chief operating officer. In the meantime, Bloomberg, with reference to Shotwell, will announce SpaceX’s plans to create a public and affiliate company dedicated to satellite business.
