Murió Servando Cano, Historic Promoter of the Tigers of the North, Untouchable and Most Exposing of the Mexican Regional

Serving Cano failed 78 years ago due to a cardiac arrest (Photo: Cuartoscuro)
Serving Cano failed 78 years ago due to a cardiac arrest (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

The date of this Monday, February 8th will be announced in the social speeches the failure of the regional emperor Servando Cano, who was one of the most emblematic negotiators of the state of New Leon to llevar the stages of the career of various exponent musicals of the regional Mexican genre through the decades.

As confirmed by his family, Servando lost his life to the 78-year-old due to a small stroke after 15:00 hours. The Manepresario manejó during many years the live presentations of artists of the gender as Withdrawal, Los Tigres del Norte, Pesado, La leyenda, between many others.

“Fue un infarto, faleció un un Hospital, no fue Covid”, declared his wife.

Serving Cano commences his career on the side of Cornelio Reyna (Photo: Twitter @ CesarParga_)
Serving Cano commences his career on the side of Cornelio Reyna (Photo: Twitter @ CesarParga_)

Fueron 56 years of trayectoria los el el manager is mantuvo al frente de Serca Representations, an artistic promotion company that was founded in New Leon because it unveiled a large number of musicians and bands of northern geniuses, rancheros, bands and groups, being the most famous celebrities in the popular Expo Guadalupe an event that was traditionally located at the wreck of the failed promoter.

Icon of the musical industry in the north of the country, realized the palenque, now known as the Domo Care by Monterrey y there is more mexican music from the national fronts. One of his most famous representatives, Ramón Ayala, has been around for decades, and although he mainly represents the northern music, he has also managed the Texan groupings that take place in the 90’s in Monterrey.

Last season and to diversify the Domo Care Serving made concierts of other genres like doll y rock in the palenques, manejó in the state including the agenda of Gloria Trevi and llegó to manage the initial presentations of Jenni Rivera.

Servando Cano found his company Serca Representations, with which he had a great success in the musical genre (Foto: Cuartoscuro)
Servando Cano found his company Serca Representations, with which he had a great success in the musical genre (Foto: Cuartoscuro)

With its ‘bailes’ generaba great expectation in various states of the Republic of Mexico and in the United States, with its Tejano Day, by Houston, serving the artists of Servando eran the most ovation and encabezaban the cartel. Consider this the iconic and ambient of the Mexican regional, the 1st of November 2012 su trayectoria fue reconocida in Las Vegas, Nevada, with una estrella en el Paseo de las estrellas.

The ultimate disaster and derivative of the pandemic, Serving itself from its home in the wake of the maneuvers of its officers in Nuevo León, Houston and McAllen.

The man who was also reconciled by the Association of Business Employees, transformed the Domo Care, inside the Guadalupe Expo, where he received artists from all over the world. Valentín Elizalde, Rocío Dúrcal, Juan Gabriel, Vicente y Alejandro Fernández y Paquita la del barrio, cantantes que confiaron en la experiencer del promoter y con el que lograron exitosos Sold out.

Cano is actively working to keep up with the days of the pandemic, as it handles its business negotiations (Photo: Twitter @ CesarParga_)
Cano is actively working on the days of the pandemic, as it handles its business negotiations (Photo: Twitter @ CesarParga_)

El gobernador de la entidad, Jaime Rodríguez, lamented the loss of who impulsed the spectacle in the stadium. “In the name of the governor of New Leon, of my family and a server, I express my greatest feelings for the lamentable failure of my friend, the great empress and promoter of music, Servando Cano Rodríguez”, wrote the mandate in his account of Twitter,

About the entries of his trayectoria, Cano account that in 1964, functioned as an employee of a bank, but thanks to his love for Ramón Ayala and Cornelio Reyna, and debated in their insistence, the neo-neonates were converted to represent the group Relámpagos del Norte, commencing asi the cements of his exit square through the scenarios. Desde entonces se desempeñó como manager of more than 50 groups that four mayors have left the empress’ office.

“El bronco” lamentó de deceso del afamado representative musical (Photo: Twitter)

In 2018, he will receive the presidency in the merit of Francisco de Barbadillo Vitoria, in the Popular Culture category, by the governor of Guadalupe, Nuevo León.

“I have a passion for entering music, I like it a lot and I have empecé, leading this group. I have 53 career years, managing artists, making events and sigo in this todavía. First of all, the music of the north is very popular here in the north and I have a meta hacerla national and international and it has been added recently, ” dijo Servando in 2018 when receiving his distinction.

“Viví bastantes años a Guadalupe y conozco bastante bien la ciudad, y el señor alcalde que está ahorita es amigo mío, y me siento tranquilo y contento”, añadió.


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