Murió Ricardo Silva, double actor and singer of the themes of “Dragon Ball Z”, “Winnie Pooh” and “Las tortugas ninja”

Ricardo Silva lost his life this home to 67 years. Only those days that inform the hospitalization of the singer and producer, now the middle of the double is a lot to show to the artist, which is very popular thanks to many works, one of the most recognizable in the Japanese anime series Dragon Ball, the program can not interpret the theme musical and participates in the theme “Impacto rojo” of Digimon.

The actor-actor, who was known for his work on various Latin American anime projects and specifically for performing on his own for the famous opening theme “Chala, head-chala” of the oriental saga that follows the adventures of Gokú, no pudo get rid of complications derived from its infection by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

This is what the official account of the National Association of Actors has to say: “AndAa deeply laments the failure of our partner Ricardo Silva Elizondo, member of our union. Our condolences to his family and friends. Descanse en paz. ”

At the moment, various integrants of the mid-Mexican double have expressed their condolences to the Silva family: “My Richie Boy. The alma mater and the corrupt will be destroyed. The sky will respond with your voice forever. Me quedo with your giants, with your anecdotes and with your marvelous energy. We are going to do a lot of extra things, ”the tenant René García wrote on his Twitter account.

Among other works reconciled by the failure to find the opening themes of the cartoons Digimon, The Super Champions, Chip and Dale to Rescue, Inuyasha, Gasparín, Winnie the Pooh, The Ninja Turtles, The Adventures of the Air, The Path Darkwing, Hello Kitty Paradise, among many others, because of its angle with the world of fans of comics and animation always seen opmerklik: Silva was a habitual guest of conventions and events related to the universe of cartoons and the double.

Fue apenas este jueves 4 de februero quand se dio el anuncio de la hospitalización de Silva a travers de un comunicado des la officiale account of Twitter del actor de doblaje. “In the last hours he corrected the voice of Ricardo being hospitalized. We confirm that you are hospitalized, but you are stable. It is not our intention to enter into this manner, but the family is bound to do whatever it takes; for that reason the peddlers and all, of the most attentive manner, which respects this moment, ”signaled the announcement.

Asimismo, recalls that the information regarding the actor’s medical situation, is broadcast through the same Twitter account.

“Any other information we have about sharing this medium. For Ricardo the most important of his friends, as it is necessary to recover immediately to be able to share with you his music “, concluded the communicator number of interpreter.

With a great trayectoria and the respect of his professional colleagues, Silva participated as a double actor in a steady stream of recognizable films like Scary Movie 3, Charlie’s Angels at Limit, Miss Sympathy, Matrix, Los Muppets and Mago de Oz.

The double body has been affected for the last year with the loss of some very important collaborators, opening in December 2020, it was time to announce the decision of César Arias, who took his place in the story of Harry’s movies Potter and for animes like Naruto and the Knights of the Zodiac.

Asimismo, in March of 2020, Luis Alfonso Mendoza, actor who starred in Sheldon Cooper in The Big Bang Theory and Gohan in Dragon Ball Z, died 55 years ago. According to the first versions that are dear, the actor murió in a balancer in which he also loses the life of his wife and wife, Lourdes Adame. Los hechos habrían ocurrido en la colony Portales, en Ciudad de México.
