Murió Cepillín, cardiac insufficiency victim

Mexico City /

Murió Cepillin. The famous payaso of the television Failure is a victim of a cardiac insufficiency in a hospital of the City of Mexico.

Ricardo González Gutiérrez, 75 years old, sometió to an emergency surgery tras present malestar in the vertebral column ya partir de entonces su statut de salud fue a la baja.

The end of the week has been intubated and he has revealed that during the surgery the fire was detected cancer in the linfatic system, the one who has debilitated and provoked to commit adultery intensive therapy, hasta unes lunes que perdió la vida.

Various celebrities are united to be able to help the family in the payment of hospital hospitals and fanatics are losing their jobs in social networks.

The family and the doctors’ proposals contemplaban su high medicine of the hospital ubicado af Satellite the fire or the sabbath, without embarrassment is the ultimate study complicating his situation.
