Murió Aníbal Jr. tras estar contagiado de Covid- 19

Covid’s cause and how not to recover and show grave in the last days, the scribe Aníbal Jr, failed, 50 years ago

The madrugada of this Saturday, January 23, through social speeches, was told that the bully Aníbal Jr. failed in the 50 years of edad, tras varias días of being reported grave and tener complications by being contagious of Covid-19.

The periodicals Roberto Figueroa and Jorge Cabrera, better known as the reference “Baby Richard”, will announce the notice during the first hours of the week.

‘Acabo de recibir unla llamada que me deja en shock. I was informed that, by Covid, I would like to announce the death of Aníbal Jr., who passed 10 years ago and reported positively between the 12th and 14th of this month. Also on Facebook, baby Richard confirms. Lament the loss of the successor of a lord and hope his family encounters fortune and shows resignation. ”

“I wish to take note, I wish to kill Aníbal Jr.” fue lo que pusieron respectively the men.

The hijacker of “La Saeta Azul” was originally from Guadalajara, Jalisco, where he was trained by Diablo Velasco, Gran Cochisse and El Satanic, very much experienced in the field of tapestries, emigrating to the capital of the country in search of The Mayor of Luchistica, who was born on September 27, 1993, debuted in one of the most iconic recent events of the National Pancake, the Toreo de Cuatro Caminos.

The hijacking of “La Saeta Azul” took place between the two CMLL and AAA lanes, in the same way passed by the IWRG of the Independent Land, where the mayor took part in his 27 years of professional career.

In the display cases of Jr. there are the masks of Angel of the Last Vampire II, Malia Beast, Ricky Cruzz and Commander Mark, as well as Zandokan and Mascara cabaret Año 2000 Jr.

Various years ago Aníbal Jr. dio libre libre libre en su gimnasio “Aníbal Gym” en Cuautitlán Izcalli, Estado de México, donse enseñaba las bases de deporte adas des los diversos estilos se se deben dominar par ser ser professional luchador.

In social speeches, various gladiators and figures of the luchistic office have been appearing since the resignation and giving the song to the family of the tapati.
