Municipality of Carolina honors the memory of failed police officers

An ecumenical act took place in Carolina in which Alcald José Carlos Aponte Dalmau took part, honoring the memory of the agents who paid tribute to the passing of the moon.

“I want you to know that in this place we will permanently honor our three heroes. And we will honor all the companions he has taken with the compliment of Deber. It will be a place where we can record forever. Here we have the Municipal Police and the State Police. We all love the wealth of our people. I am on fire with these axes and I am on fire with them on Avenida Isla Verde and they are doing well, velar for our security ”, said the Alcalde de Carolina, José Carlos Aponte Dalmau.

Alcalde explained that a monument was being built to honor the agents Luis Marrero Díaz, Luis Salamán Conde and Eliezer Hernández Cartagena.

“There is no other solution to the problem of drugs and narcotics being hailed as slaves. And we are rich in these crimes ”, added the first executive of Carolina.

The three agents failed the moon while responding to a call from a vehicle shock. When these are taken to the stage, the suspect disappears against the agents and lies atopello to another.

A hereditary police quarter, but is still stable.

McConnell will not be summoned to Senate for political justice against Trump
