Multiple Violations, Tortures and Death, the brutal practices known in the “vocational centers” in China | El Salvador News

Una sobreviviente narró su wrede erhrung a medios estadounidenses; also a professor, who realized work forced in his installations, account the observed

Qelbinur Sidik, a primary school master, narrated the brutal tortures and abuses committed against members of the Muslim minority in Xinjiang, China.

Encouraged students, women dressed in groups by security guards, extreme torture, death by asphyxiation, are just some of the cruel situations that live in the “vocational centers” installed in these countries.

A periodical team from the CNN chain -encabezado by the periodicals Ivan Watson and Rebecca Wright- has discovered this little-known reality.

Qelbinur Sidik teaches children in a Xinjiang school, one day, with many explanations, led him to teach Mandarin to the detainees in the “vocational schools” during three months. Jamás olvidará is a traumatic experience. Learn the idiom, is one of the conditions that regional authorities impose on women who are radical.

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Commencement of work obligated in March 2017. Passes to attend between six and three years to adult adults. When the first life takes place on the stage of creation: there are all kinds of people, people and people, as if there were high-level delinquencies.

“When the baby guards at night, the police act violaban and torture them on the nines,” said the teacher.

Sidik vio with his proposals will have a female wall as a consequence of their violations in a group. In manada. “I do not have a lifespan on my car. Sus mejillas estaban sin color, no respiraba ”, opname. The victim was taken by other guards and a female police officer confirmed what she had done: torture, violence and the consequent homicide.

The transformation of the detainees was evident with the correction of the slides. To those “students in the process of re-education” who are first and foremost at the center where they work, their livelihoods are in good physical condition and well fed. Sondeverbod, to the small days, all were skin and huesos. On many occasions, when it comes to writing in the pizarron, I will listen to many of the allies present in this article. I also choose other healthy, extravagant and extravagant ones that come from other halls. Alli does not dictate classes, only tortures.

Through the traumatic experience, Sidik decided to emigrate from China. Now live with his family in Holland.

Qelbinur Sidik teaches children in a school in Xinjiang. CNN Photo

One of the victims and the movements

Tursunay Ziyawudun fue (s) one of the victims. Fue detenida in April 2017 for first time. I do not commit any crime, only leave my bike and watch as a woman who complies with religious mandates. Fue llevada a la “Vocational School of the State of Xinyuan”, in Xinjiang.

“Vocational” is the euphemism that the regime uses to maintain the true identity of its detention centers. Estuvo un mes presa. But one year later, it was recently postponed.

Ziyawudun stuvo in a cell with other 20 women. During the day she receives a little bit of comedy and water. The bathroom, relation, can be reached within a maximum of five minutes to the day. If it happens during the time between the toilet podium suffers consequences: “Those who pass the most time receive electric shocks with handrails”, related

The interrogators, trained to deal with a vocational school assistant, are intermittent. The guards are worried about what will happen to Halmirza Halik in Kazakhstan during five years before returning to China in 2017. He made his way to the golf courses. But in one of these sessions, the whole thing was completely finished: Ziyawudun confirmed that the guards would kill him or her in another dwelling during the month. “I have an insitron un bastón paralizante en my electrocutaron con el. My desmayé ”

Diez días después, lo peor regresó. Fue sacada de su celda y llevada a otro lado. “In the habitat of the lad, I have chosen to lose one child. We have 5 or 6 men entering this accommodation. Thought the staff was torturing. Peru luego me violaron en grupo. I’m sorry to hear that I’ve also had a hard time with her. Extremely sad fury ”, says the victim who now lives in the United States.

Legacy in America goes a long way. Fue puesta in libertad y septiembre de 2019 fue advertised by the regime: no podium hablar con nadie de lo había experimental in this “vocational” center. The entrance of the reunion truck with its march, which is the hope on the front with Kazakhstan, begins. But then, in the following days and as a consequence of multiple violations, there is a vaginal discharge of pregnancy. A vez of the other lado of the front, was taken by plane to the United States, where log sobrivivir.

Tursunay Ziyawudun. Photo by

The negation of the abusers

“There has been no systematic sexual assault or abuse against women in Xinjiang,” the Chinese governor said in response to a statement from North American officials. Without embarrassment, the mighty testimonies of women who live with the life of these centers and others who take part in the teaching that all are dictating and that there are none, confirm the most horrendous crimes committed against them.

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