Multiple choke provokes vial in the south of Quito | Ecuador | Notice

Treated by a multiple shock. At the moment hooi al menos un herido.

A shock of four vehicles in the avenue Teniente Hugo Ortiz provoked the love of this life in the north. Buses and cars were involved in the crash at the Quito Sur del Trolebús parade.

The successful securitization around the 07:00 of these games.

Accordance of passengers and passengers, a shocked public transport bus and a taxi and a free car that is enclosed on the other side of another urban transport vehicle. Rescate logarithm teams will be allied to the victim’s only unit.

Hasta el lugar del siniestro llegaron personal de la Agencia Metropolitana de Transit (AMT) y equipos del Cuerpo de Bomberos que trabajaron en la release of the abducted person, approximately 57 years of age.

Due to the incident, the AMT recommended that citizens take alternate routes. (I)
