Mujeres que con sus inventos han cambiado nuestra vida

Some of the inventions that he facilitated our life and that he made his impressions in our day and day, like the electronic book, the “wifi”, the limpaparabrisas, the escalator of fires, the popular game of Monopoly or the system of reconnaissance and traverses de la kornea, fueron creados por mujeres.

Brilliant mantles with logs and descriptions of wild debris, change science and color in our day to day.

Sondeverbod, although its inventions make history, many of these inventions are obscured by the hecho of being women.

The Spanish divulger Isabel Pascual Ruiz from Alegría explains that since 2019, art conferences, design and science with a gender perspective are underway in the Curabitur project.

One of these cycles is protagonized by female inventors, female “representatives and curiosities” who dedicate their lives to making progress in science and society.

“There were occultists like the women in all the ambitions, but this is a camp where everything is visible,” Pascual explained, proposing these pioneers.

Among them, there are figures known as the Greek philosopher Hypatia de Alejandría, who made important contributions to the science of mathematics and astronomy; or Mathematics Ada Lovelace (1815-1852), the first computer programmer.

O, including, the scientist Marie Curie (1867-1934), Nobel Prize in Physics in 1903 for his research on radiation, shared with Henri Becquerel, and Chemica in 1911 by his works on polio and radio, is in solitario.

But there are many other scientists who do not make it visible. It is the case of the Italian medicine of the XII Trotula de Salerno, considered the first gynecologist in history for its revolutionary ideas in the age of gynecology and obstetrics, which defended the problems of infertility podium also came from men and no only of the women, as created soon.

Of the estadounidense Tabitha Babbitt (1779-1853), to whom the invention of the first circular ornament is attributed.

His compatriot Martha Coston (1826-1904), for his part, invented the maritime luminescent signals, which would save many lives by avoiding boat shocks.

The popular Monopoly is also known as a female. Concreto, a la scritora y empresaria estadounidense Elizabeth Magie Phillips (1866-1948), quien en 1902 creó The Landlord’s Game (El juego del propietario), voorloper van die werklike versie del juego de mesa.

Objetos tan cotidianos como el limpiaparabrisas o la escalera fueron fueron ideados por mujeres. The first by Mary Anderson (EEUU), which with its invention facilitates the guidance of trains, trains and coaches.

And Anna Connelli (EEUU) compiled more secure inventories of inventory in 1887 of the exterior fire escalator, which is located in the middle of the landscape of many cities.

For its part, Mary Engle Pennington, a chemist and engineer, was the first female director of the United States Department of Medicines and Food and the inventor of the food refrigeration and storage system.

Other creations wholly incorporated into the type, created by the mechanic Bette Nesmith Graham; the filter of the café, invented in 1908 by the German Melitta Bentz; or Kevlar, a material almost five times more resistant than the field used in antifouling chalices, invented by Polish chemist Stephanie Kwolek.

But no doubt we’re debating the way we live in current affairs with Austrian actress and inventor Hedy Lamarr, wifi precursor, Bluetooth and GPS, thanks to her frequency jumping technique.

The list of inventions also includes Spanish creations, among which is the researcher and professor of the Madrid Complutense University Celia Sánchez-Ramos Roda, creator of the corneal reconstruction system, the Pillar Mateo, inventor of an insect-infested insect painting Chagas.
