Mujer fue assesinada por su expareja ocho días despuice se se separaron

The couple has been having problems for several months, including having been helped in a group by a church, but ending in tragedy.

8 days ago, Xiomara decided to separate from his partner in life, for the second time, and he went to the house of his fathers, in a 600 meter living room with Carlos Humberto Martínez, the father of his second wife.

On Wednesday, April 14, 2010, Xiomara will be solo with his two and a half year olds and midwives, when he leaves.

Carlos mando los niños a comprar a la tienda, a través de la angosta calle polvorienta que pasa junto a la linee ferre in de comunidad Los Santos, en Cojutepeque, Cuscatlán.

Fue entonces when Carlos approves the departure of the nines to assassinate with a revolver in Xiomara and lie disappears himself. The carcasses give one together with another inside of the small living room floor.

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According to the authorities, the scene indicates that the 26-year-old girl was forced to attack.

Xiomara and Carlos have been together for 4 years and have ten years together and 2 years and a half.

According to the Xiomara family, the couple has been experiencing problems for several months, including having been helped in a group of churches, until the end.

“They try to return the things they owed and ten a hen in the commune, for the sake of it a little will be done to the things of God to work”, relates one of the relatives.

Although family members say that they have no evidence that they have physical violence, they know that they have probably been bitten by their mate.

The remains will be separated in the cement of Cojutepeque. Photo EDH / Lissette Lemus

One of the vecinas commented that the young woman suffers violence, but the women did not want to denounce because “justice is not sure of who she is and who she is, they detain a rat and then sell it,” he said.

Xiomara’s hermana describes it as a very friendly and good mother. La joven laboraba desde hace ocho años realisando trabajos domesticos.

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A Carlos los vecinos describes as a young tranquilo who has no problems. “The sabbatical to the group of the church, not understanding what happened”, commented one of the vecinos.

On the third day of the week, both families of Lloraban will have their separate forms of separation. The remains of Xiomara were flooded in the center of Cojutepeque, while Carlos was flooded in the Hermitage of the community of Esperanza. The two will be placed in separate tombstones in the Municipal Cement of Cojutepeque.
