Mujer: Chapter capitals tend to mark Kadin’s time 3 | Antenna 3 | Telenovelas turcas nnda nnlt | FAMA

This 12th of April marks the third anniversary of “Women” (“Kadın”, in its original idiom), travers de las pantallas de Antena 3. Un inicio que dejo con la boca abierta a todos los espectores Spanish, quienes presenciaron la Death of Hatice Sarikadi, the mother of Bahar and Sirin, suffered a car accident.

MORE INFORMATION: Temporary accounts and chapters have the Turkish telenovela

A tragic tragedy for many following the Turkish telenovela that supports, most notably, the failure of another character, following the trailer of the present.

This is not the first time the series has surprised its audience, ya que semana pasada no communicó nada sober du finale de la segunda temporada; and sing it, the ultimate chapter on synthesis record with 2.2 million more media viewers with 18.4%.

MORE INFORMATION: Because there are no more capitals of the telenovela in Turkey until June 2021

And although the third season has begun, it seems that the final one is near, but the present will only take place in the midst of episodes that precede it.

“Mujer” won its Tokyo Drama Award, in addition to winning the Altın Kelebek Awards (Photo: Fox Turquía)


The entry 3 of “Kadin” consists of only 17 chapters y tomando en cuenta que se emite de lunes a mercoles a las 22:45 horas, restarían seis semanas para seguir vending la historia de Bahar Çeşmeli, performed by Turkish actress Özge Özpirinçci.

Without embarrassment, as Antena 3, always, dividing the chapters of another way, it is likely that quede the double; for that matter, faltarían 12 weeks to read the final of “Mujer”.

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Bahar, Sarp and Hatice quedan gravity heridas liege that the car in which iban shocked with a trailer.  The last of all the walls.  (Photo: Fox Turkey)
Bahar, Sarp and Hatice quedan gravity heridas liege that the car in which iban shocked with a trailer. The last of all the walls. (Photo: Fox Turkey)


“Mujer” was broadcast on Monday at 6:45 p.m. Asimismo, each episode of the exit production is available in Atresplayer Premium, a service that sends out all the lasers that are live in Spain, also can be accessed thanks to Antena 3 Internacional.

Atresplayer Premium is a pay-per-view streaming platform that can be subscribed to in Spain, for € 2.99 per month or € 29.99 per year.

Fuera de España can pay the Premium International package to be able to access the exclusive content of Atresplayer. The plan has a monthly cost of 4.99 euros in Latin America, the United States and Canada, although it also has an annual subscription that has a value of 49.99 euros.

For Mexico, the price is 99 Mexican pesos per monthly plan and 999 pesos per year.
