Muestran a Papa Francisco el sagroo sagrado Sidra procedente de Qaraqosh, Iraq

Papa Francisco was able to appreciate in the Vatican a book written in Aramaic, written about the invasion of the Islamic State in the city of Qaraqosh in Iraq, and which was recently restored in Italy.

Treated by the book Sagrado “Sidra”, written in Aramaic alrededor of sail XIV or XV, which contains liturgical orations for the celebration of Pascua and Santa Cruz.

The book Sagrado belongs to the Syro-Christian Church of the City of Qaraqosh, in Nineveh’s calendar, which the Pope will visit in the next month of March.

The meeting with a small group of restaurateurs from the Federation of Christian Organizations of International Voluntary Service (FOCSIV) took place on Wednesday 10 February after the General Audience.

The manuscript was rescued thanks to the “trick of one sacredness of this city” ante the “iconoclastic and antichristian fury” of the Islamic State that invaded this world from 2014 to October 2016.

In the year 2017, the periodicals Laura Aprati and Marco Bova will find the sacred book that was located in Erbil, located at the Archbishop of Mosul, Mons. Yohanna Butros Mouché, in the hands of LA FOCSIV volunteers.

Luego, the book was transferred to Italy for its restoration, which lasted for 10 months and was established under very critical conditions of preservation, which required a preliminary examination and a linguistic comparison with some volumes of the Old Apostolic Consensus.

Proximely, the sacred book will be revealed to the Syro-Christian Church in Qaraqosh.

The President of the FOCSIV, Ivana Borsotto, stated that “the recovery of the Qaraqosh saga book is part of the compromise that the Federation has dedicated to the reconstruction of the social territory of a territory such as the Kurdistan Iraq and Iraq ”and added that the possibility that the people in Nineveh’s landscape could continue to sing in Aramaic with this book will be recorded in all“ that everything is possible in the future ”.

Translated and adapted from Mercedes De La Torre. Originally published in ACI Stampa
