Muertes de covid-19 obligan a giant cement to refrigerate corpses

(CNN) –– With an extension of 566 acres and campuses, the Rose Hills Memorial Park and Mortuary is the largest cement building in North America, but it has not been avoided that covid-19 lives to the limit. Located in California.

But the number of deaths related to covid-19 since the festivities has challenged its capacity in the medium. To the point that the families in duel need to hope for one for the funerary services. While, the cement has to do with arranging refrigeration units to guard the bodies.

“Loose hospitals he sido realmente afectados. Sus morgues se stán llenando », said Patrick Monroe, president and executive director of Rose Hills, a CNN. “Our meta is that when a family is always called, it can be, we can be. Podemos ir a buscar a su ser querido ‘».

Refrigeration is the ultimate adaptation of the Rose Hills Cement, located in the Los Angeles area, which is near the covid-19 front.

Refrigerated trucks used in Rose Hills Memorial Park and Mortuary, the cement cement works a large quantity of funerary services.

The Department of Public Health of the District of Los Angeles prohibits funerals in closed spaces. Because the cement has installed carpets to carry out free air visits and funerary services throughout its commemorative park. It also offers live transmission services.

For families who want to hope that restrictions will be in place, Rose Hills will temporarily increase the number of their children.

Given that the solicitation of services will increase after the Day of Action of Grace, the cementing will be difficult to maintain on the day of the request. The habitual time for Rose Hills services is one week. Ahora, las es hope families have five weeks.

“People have very compensives,” said Monroe.

In many cases, the families of the failing persons will not be visited during their last days due to the restrictions on admission to the hospitals.

“Todavía wants to make traditional things,” Monroe said. “Quieren tener un entierro”.

January, the most lethal in EE.UU. por covid-19 0:51

Los 750 empleados de Rose Hills resisted him as a pesar de la demanda, señaló Monroe.

“People who are involved in this line of work have a very empathetic and compassionate disposition,” he said. “The most difficult thing for employees to do is to serve their families better than they can, but there is a great demand. This is an invoice ».

Monroe says Rose Hills offers additional assistance programs. Alli includes a special compensation, along with discount rooms with bocadillos to support the benefit of employees.

The cost is very large, it’s just a verse.

“Hasta ahora han demostrado mucha capaciad de recuperación”, aseguró. “Pero, ya sabes, llevamos un año en ello”.
