Mueren two FBI agents and three more hereditary results and one incident in Florida

(CNN) – FBI agents murieron and otros 3 resultaron heridos mientras complían una orden judicial in Sunrise, Florida, is a common FBI. The suspects of the incident also murmured. The suspects were arrested in connection with violent crimes against children, according to the communiqué.

Dos de heridos heridos fueron trasladados a hospital and stable condition segun el communicado. The condition of the third wounded agent is not clear.

The director of the FBI, Christopher Wray, issued a statement identifying the agents who killed him this March in Sunrise, Florida.

“Tragically, the FBI lost all of our highs. Special Agent Daniel Alfin and Special Agent Laura Schwartzenberger were assigned to shoot this month at the completion of their debris executed by a federal court order and a criminal investigation against nuns in Sunrise, Florida.

“Otros tres agents fueron baleados y heridos; from suffering injuries that require hospitalization, but now both are in stable condition. The third agent is injured and does not need hospitalization, ”he said.
