Mueren FBI agents shoot during an operation in Florida against an infantile pornography suspect

At least one of the FBI agents has gone bankrupt, and three others are being held by a police officer who has been in custody for the first time since March during an operation. against an infantile pornography suspense by Sunrise, a city of Florida in the urban conglomerate of Miami.

The Sunrise Police Department has indicated that the agents are executing a federal order along with other officials in a complex of apartments around the six months of the month when the shooting took place.

A suspicious get drunk in the living room during hours, according to the police. Two of the hereditary agents have been hospitalized and are being established, the NBC news agency reported.

[Mueren cinco niños y un adulto presuntamente tiroteados por un familiar en Oklahoma]

The present assassination also failed, says information about the office of the FBI and Miami.

Two of the hereditary agents were taken to a hospital, where they are in stable condition. The FBI did not know the whereabouts of the third agent, or the names of the officers who were killed.

Off a bag just after the 9th of the month, the police say that the lie where habituated the tiroteo ya were safe, but I also told the residents of the area that they were waiting in their houses to have an investigation in progress.

The man was searched for child pornography. Estaban is a cargo-del caso agents del FBI en fiscales federales en Fort Lauderdale.

Learn more about NBC News and The Miami Herald.
