Mueren 14 disidentes de las FARC and a military and a fight in Colombia

Bogotá, Colombia.

Al less than 14 FARC accidents murieron in the convulso Colombian department of the Cauca (suroeste) in a fight against the Ejército in which also was assigned a military and saw more results heridos, informs este sabado fuentes castrenses.

“This military action has resulted in currently 14 deaths in a series of military operations, including a lawsuit, the indictment of an ammunition officer, three fusiles, three short arms and numerous ammunition from this organized armed group”, detall the Ejército in a communiqué.

The commander of this institution, General Eduardo Zapateiro, dijo que los combates sucedieron en una rural zona del corregimiento (pueblo) El Plateado, que forma del de municipio de Argelia.

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The official statement on Twitter that the dissidents eran of the dissident “Carlos Patiño” and denounced that “by means of hecho people move the interfering bodies in the urgent acts of competent authorities “.

“Tropas, looking for proteger to the community, firing attacks by means of the indiscriminate staff of explosive artifacts, which resulted in the assassination of one of our suburbs, military hereditary y / o contours and an aeronautics of preso el general Zapateiro.

The Commander of the Ejército signals that the military assigned is the third party Diego Ricardo Gómez, of the Third Division of the Institution.

In March, more than 2,000 people abandoned El Plateado for clashes between illegal armed groups, according to a report by the People’s Defense.

The Cauca has the presence of narcotics groups, dissidents of the FARC and the National Liberation (ELN) guerrilla movement, which have different regions dedicated to coca and marijuana cultivating plants, as well as to the illegal mine, for the movement of illegal markets.

In addition to these celebrations, in the final stages of my journey 43 people were killed by the explosion of a car bomb in front of the Alcaldía of the municipality of Corinth, in the Cauca, and the authorities accuse it of aaque to a dissident of the FARC named Column Móvil Dagoberto Ramos.
