Muere the actress Lucía Guilmáin, Herman Ferrara’s Herman | Famous

The first actress Lucía Guilmáin, hermana de Juan Ferrara e hija de Ofelia Guilmáin, posted this Monday, February 15th, at 83 years old, as well as the information on his Twitter page. “The day of today, my love, the first actress Lucía Guilmain, dejó el terrenal. I felt most sorry for my first @gigioorva, to his nieces, Raúl and Caro. Su nuera, Caro and his hermanos, Juan, Mona y mi madre … descanse en paz la gran Lucía Guilmáin “, compartió el scritor, sin detallar las causas del falecimiento.

The actress took part in telenovelas exits, including those that included ‘La duña’, ‘Amigos x siempre’, ‘El privilegio de amar’, ‘Corazón salvaje’ and recently in The Hotel de los Secretos, which was transmitted by Univision in 2016.

Victoria Ruffo was one of the first celebrities to react to the lamentable news: “There is a great deal of sadness. QEPD I want Lucia Guilmain”, wrote on Twitter


Die akteur en die komediant Jorge Ortiz de Pinedo también mandó condolencias y dio detalles de su partida. “Lamento informar que hoy, a las las 2:30 de la tarde, estand en compananje de su hijo Raúl, su nuera y sus nietos, dejo de existir Lucía Guilmáin (Lucía Gutiérrez Puerta). Deseo a su familia una pronta resignation. Mi más sincero pésame. Descanse en Paz Lucía “, compartioó.

Lucía Guilmáin was born in Mexico City on January 5, 1938. She started her career as an actress in 1965, starring ‘Río Hondo’. It was not until 1973 that he appeared on television, as part of the melodrama ‘Entre brumas’, directed by Julio Castillo, produced by Ernesto Alonso and protagonist by Ricardo Blume and Chela Castro.

His tellerovelia in telenovelas abarcó más de 20 titulos, entre los que destacan su trabajo in ‘Corazón salvaje’ (2009), en la que dio vida a la gitana Griselda, y en Un Refugio Para El Amor (2012), historia para la que interpreted in Brigida.

The ultimate melodrama in which he participated was ‘The Hotel of the Secret’ (2016), which was shot on the Donan Consuelo paper; his last work on television was in ‘Una familia de diez’ (2019).

The actress is presenting about the theatrical stage set for 2020, which is the protagonist of ‘Bernarda Alba’s house’.
