Muere padre de la actress Leticia Calderón tras padecer covid-19 | Famous

The first Mexican actress Leticia Calderón informs “con el corazón destrozado” que his dad, don Mario Calderón, bankruptcy: “The room my master, my friend and I will not go to his house. Te vamos’ n extrañar mucho papito“, se lee en el tuit.

On the 14th of January, the villa of the Empire of Mentiras informs that she and other members of her family are married to covid-19. Two days later, it was announced that she was hospitalized, but she was “very well attended”.

A week has passed since time immemorial, but I want to be sure that I will be happy to recover from the coronavirus: “God! , reporters, fans of his messages, oracions, respect and quarantine. I only need one to congratulate myself completely. Thanks! “.

The actress offers telephone interviews and various communication media, sharing her experiences with her home, as well as details of her health and that of her family.

The 26th day confirms that his father was interned by covid-19, without giving major details about his state of health: “My dad is hospitalized, I’m estuvo mi hermano Alejandro, salió bien, ya estuve hospitalizada yo, seguimos con tratamiento y ahora nada más falta mi papá“, dijo en tellamada telónica en el programa ‘De primera mano’.

Don Mario Calderón was born with Carmen de León and had four children: Leticia, Mario, Miguel and Alejandro.

