Muere Jorge ‘Coco’ Gómez, player who dio his first league title in America

Coco Gómez converts to the figure of the Eagles graceful to the goal that the first title of the Coapa

Jorge Coco Gomez was the footballer who scored an Olympic goal to become the first American league title or Mexican national team to represent Mexico in Russia. Muere at 74, March 2021.

El Coco Gómez was a dicharachero player, who converted to the figure of America to score an Olympic goal in 1965, as he was the first league champion in the azulcrema club, in a victory over Veracruz, by 2-0.

“The city will take a center, but it will move to the ark and all will be allowed to celebrate,” said the former American judge.

Jorge “Coco” Gómez found that in May of 1967 it happened and it was the same as the sale of his body, debited and concentrated with the Mexican selection to be present in the first party that disputed Mexico in Russia, before the Soviet Union.

“I dropped the May 20. Who would have thought to be in the selection. Ni modo. For those who have an idea, we’ve been in the bathroom for 11 years now. I was with my partner, Vicente Pereda, who also had ten days of marriage. Russia was a communist in these entities ”.

Among its anecdotes is that it escapes the concentrations of the Mexican selection to play cards with Pelé, in a tricolor gyrus by Brazil, in addition to meeting Brazilian talent in the Gallos Azucareros of Mexico, the only Mexican club to play O Rey.

In his retreat, radicaba in Cuernavaca, Morelos, and the causes of the deco of Coco Gómez are desconocen, although the record of the Olympic goal that led the first title of the league to America.
