Muere intoxicado hondureño cuando buscaba calentarse en Texas; busy family repatriar sus restos | News Univision United States

The Night of the Passing Moon, Kevin Ayala, a Honduran immigrant living in the Fort Worth area near Dallas, carbon monoxide poisoning wall nevertheless the living that is habitable without electricity causes the universal torment that azotó the state of Texas.

According to Univision News Tito López, Ayala’s first husband, the 23-year-old man, originating from Ojo de Agua in the department of Copán, in the Honduran accident, desperately wanted to read his case in Block 4800 of the avenida G of this community.

For this, Ayala prendió a generator inside his kitchen with the intention of generating calories. The apartment is located opposite it Katherine Padilla, his wife embarrassed, and his wife, sufrien sufrían también los stragos de las temperatures that were recorded as the cause of the universal torment in the state.

None of the two adults detected some olor ongewoon there is another problem that warns that the habitat is affected by carbon monoxide, a color gas and extremely toxic that in large quantities can produce death.

Fue cuestión de a time to have tener fired the generator when the three people feel sick and sleepy.

“Pusieron a generator inside the dwelling and as such despise gasse and the humo and toda this question so hizo que ellos se intoxicaran”, Contó via telóenfica López quien, in addition to Kevin’s family, is a pastor in Honduras.

A friend of the family of Edan Pérez, who was killed in the house of Ayala and it is said that the three people were unconscious in the kitchen. Follow up on the emergency services.

Katherin and his wife were rushed to hospital. Without embarrassment, Kevin, who, following his first lawsuit against Honduras, has been in the United States for more than two years, no logo sobrevivir.

“This company is stable. He is the one who lives with them too. And the creature that has ten in his future puppies tampoco (sufrió daños) ”, assures López.

This day, the Fort Worth Department of Bomberos Department informed on its account of Twitter what habit received more than 80 emergencies carbon monoxide related.

In the last eight years, the Texas Department of Education has received 450 more called by episodes related to carbon monoxide, the majority related to the use of hot springs inside the hogares, because the people were looking for the universal torment that they live the state.

Pastor Tito López makes sure that the rest repatriate the remains of Kevin Ayala to Honduras give the sobreviven to his mother, father and hermanos, a complicated action on the contrary with sufficient resources. For this, the family has opened a page to gather funds.

Respecting the support that anyone can bring, the pastor assures that in these moments “he is called to conscience. All human beings we have a conscience that we grit or we have what we need to do and more in a case like these. God blesses all who help this family ”.

