Muere Ian Legorreta, of the San Luis Athletic, in a car accident

Mexico City /

El Atlético San Luis received a long golf course confirming the death of Ian Joshua Legorreta Chora, footballer of 19 years old and part of the team Under 20.

“Lamentamos el verstandig bankruptcy of Ian Legorreta, player of our team Under 20. Nuestro pesame for all his friends and acquaintances “, writes the little picture in social speeches.

The Habrian defender lost his life in a car accident involving the madrugada of the house, when impact on your vehicle against an avalanche to salirse de la avenida Salvador Nava, and San Luis Potosí.

Legorreta Chora había desarrollado toda su trayectoria con el Atlético San Luis, from category Sub 17, has not made his debut in the First Division of the MX League.

Agreed to diary Código San Luis, the joven football player was impacted against a spear when there was an excess of speed, due to the failure of the accident.

Dicho media of communication also reported that tras el accidente noodlottige todavía hubo rapiña, because he hides people whose robbery is relevant, such as his card with personal documents, what impediment that was identified from that moment on, including the car refill line Chevy.

Automovilistas who are involved in the shock wave to the emergency services; without embarrassment, paramedics from an ambulance determined that Legorreta Chora había falecido ahí por diverse lesionses, entre las que staba una frakture de craneo.

Here are some personal details of the Investigation Policy, together with the staff of Criminal Justice and Peripheral Services.
