Muere el rapper Black Rob

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The most current and interesting for your health, ocio and maintenance.

Black Rob’s decision lies because the artist was interned at a time in an Atlanta hospital, in the EU, due to a renal insufficiency.

The rapper ha failed at the age of 51 years on April 17, the animal will be able to find out more about the companionship during the hospital stay.

“God knows I tried to help you … I’m intrigued to say RIP to Black Rob …. Fall at the Atlanta Hospital”, DJ Self wrote in his official Instagram account.

El propio Black Rob is one of the best times confession in a video that había staba luchando por superar sus health problems lasting fifty years, despite sufrir derrames cerebrales y otras dolencias.

Black Rob left his mayor in 2000 with the song denominated Whoa! what happens in different rankings de música, including the Billboard Hot 100.

Who cares about his music, as well as the more knowledgeable people he accompanies in his musical career, laments his failure and expresses his condolences for this lamentable loss to the rap musical genre.
