Muere by Covid father of doctor Amado Alejandro Báez

The doctor Alejandro Emilio Báez Van-Epps, father of the executor of the Power Executive in health matter, Amado Alejandro Báez, failed to establish various cases involving Covid-19.

The information was obtained by Alejandro Báez, who was also the director of the Emergency Sanitary Committee COVID-19 in the Gobierno case.

To write a relation of what the family does not know that their fathers were contagious by the virus, the detached specialist said that tens of thousands were lying with complications of Covid in his progenitors. His mother Victoria had been admitted with the disease.

“The 24th of December my dad got a cardiac card, he was resuscitated and he went to the UCI gym, (only for me). One of the best days I have ever had, the day before his death, I have managed to do it over and over again: Everything is good, everything is good ”.

“The 31 at home has no appetite for celebration. First of all, to celebrate the year he left a player with a great Spotify list, of his favorite classical music, I must be satisfied that this is what I like to taste. At the UCI, I’m going to go in and say, ‘Doctor Báez,’ I’ve been sick. There is no need to say more ”, was part of the message published by the he who dedicated 70 years of his life to medicine and 30 to doctrine.

Sostuvo that the team treated to reanimarlo with professionalism, by which increase its composition at such a difficult moment.

Doctor Báez Van-Epps was forced to leave. “A sad and vacant ceremony, not representative of the life of a man who from the 16 years dedicated 70 years consecutives to medicine”, he said.

It was founded by the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD) in 1958, and for 30 years has been a lecturer at UNPHU. Además de Alejandro, con su esposa Victoria procreó a Alexandra.

“Daddy’s downstairs, thank you for everything you did and everything you enthralled,” Báez’s terminated with his writing dedicated to his father.

In an interview that the specialist at Listín Diario took place on June 16, when he was appointed director of the Emergency Sanitary Committee COVID-19, Alejandro Báez was caught red-handed in the case of the “cuidaran” mat, ”he said.

Al virus hooi que tenerle miedo

It was agreed that the COVID-19 would help. “The viral virus, the mata virus, has Dominican sciences that he lost his life for this virus and our tenets that he has millions of Dominicans that he hecho victims to that we are in a better point and that he can pass it relajar las medidas a nivel personal, porque estoy harto ”, dijo para entonces.

In the interview, published on June 16 in the section “A City with the Covid”, the doctor recorded the victims who took care of their fathers, debated the advanced eda that tenia, by which is found inside the group the vulnerable people. Dijo que tenía que saludarlos de lejos.

“For me it is very difficult to be in the country and can not convince with my fathers. The visit is sporadically carried out without the two abrasions, but the distance, using mascarillas, limp manitas, is a theme to be heard that has to be invested in the mayor, not to lose much to the poor ”.

We can express affections and socialize in another form, change the form of the things, and pass “from me to the common”, and that will take much more than the mayors of 60 years with co-morbidities.
