Muere a migrant intending to cross front on an alcantarilla

City of Mexico.

A migrant walled to try to cross the frontera entre México y Estados Unidos for a red de alcantarillados aledaños al cerco fronterizo en la zona de San Ysidro, California, informing mexican authorities this end of week.

Tell the information about medaron, an on-grupo de al meno20 migrants quedaron atrapados in a drain to intend to cross the front after that fuertes lluvias blrovocaran una subida del nivel de las aguas cerca del port of San Ysidro.

“During a revision, in a context of intensity lluvias intermitentes, the agents of the patrol frontier detect the presence of a persona in the drain, for which abrieron las rejas que dan access to area. Posteriormente a esto, varias persona fueron arrested by the force of the current toothbrush “, informed by the Consulate of Mexico in San Diego.

The authorities of the stadium rescataron al resto de los migrantes que fueron detenidos para su rear deportation. One of the undocumentedos fue translated to a San Diego Hospital donde murió horas más tarde.

EU and Mexico are advertised in the migrants from the giants to cross the front by the red alcantarillas affirming that the corrient sons demasiado fuertes.

Vea: Condenan in EEUU deportation of sovereignty of El Paso massacre
