‘Mrs. Doubtfire’s director confirms Robin Williams Film’s acclaimed cut

The director of Mrs. Doubtfire confirms the existence of an R-rated version of the beloved family film from 1993, but adds that the version of the film will probably never be released.

Earlier this week, a Twitter account that tracks movie facts noticed how “there were PG, PG-13, R and NC-17 cuts from the film” due to actor Robin Williams’ penchant for improvisation during production. Shortly thereafter, social media was on fire with demands to release the NC-17 cut of the film.

Although there is no NC-17 version of the PG-13 movie – as director Chris Columbus joked earlier – he said Entertainment weekly Friday there is an R onslaught.

‘The reality is that there was an agreement between Robin and myself, that is, he would do one or two, three text recordings. And then he would say, “Let me play then.” And we would basically take between 15 and 22 tasks, I think 22 is the most I remember, ‘Columbus said. EW.

“He would sometimes go to an area that would not be suitable for a PG-13 film, but definitely suitable and hilarious for an R-rated film.”

Other than Zack Snyder’s Justice League, do not expect a Mrs. Robin Williams. Doubtfire to ever see release: Columbus said he would only release some of the material if a documentary from the 1993 film was produced. ‘I only know at the moment what’s in the movie, because it’s been a long time. But I can remember that it was extraordinarily funny material, ‘Columbus said, adding that a documentary would be’ the best approach ‘to the unseen material.
