Movements of motor coordination can be affected in patients with multiple sclerosis

In an interview with the Journal of Medicine and Public Health (MSP), die doctor José Ávila, neurologist, explains what is the relationship of multiple sclerosis with cognitive data and its repercussions on motor coordination, including the journey and the work of these patients.

Cognitive dysfunction is a common disorder among patients affected by multiple sclerosis. This disease destroys the myelin, which is the substance that covers the mayor of the nervous fibers and accelerates the transmission of the nervous impulses.

Some of the symptoms that can be presented are: optic nerve inflammation, double vision, bronchial pain, pain in the eye and in other cases the person can lie down to have a facial paralysis.

El Dr. Avila is satisfied that, depending on the area affected by the illness, specific symptoms can be presented. For example, if the area of ​​the cerebellum is affected, the patients may lose the coordination as much as to get up to bed.

Other associated symptoms are poor, urinary incontinence and memory problems.

“To be considered as a multiple sclerosis clinical event, the symptoms should last for more than 24 hours,” recalled the doctor.

Importance of temperature detection

Specifically, to detect the affected areas by the multiple sclerosis, the specialist in neurology affecting that, thanks to the magnetic resonance imaging studies, these lesions of the brain that pudieran affect cognitive dysfunction have been detected in a more effective way and with mayor precision time.

“Now, if you can identify the cortical lesions that have a relationship with cognitive impairment, also mean cerebral atrophy and mass loss. For this reason, the temporal detection of this disease can lead to loss of weight. manera temprana “, reiteró.

In general, all persons with pierden 1.1 of the annual cerebral mass and the patient of multiple sclerosis only by padecerla ya pierde 0.4 additional, added the specialist.

Nutrition and exercises

Finally, support the patient’s neuronal reserve of multiple sclerosis can guard, form or create connections while maintaining the treatment indicated by his specialist, practicing proper nutrition, performing physical exercises, and not presenting other medical complications.

If he studies vitamins, techniques or elements to help maintain the mass or integrity of the brain, but he has not determined anything.

“The Mediterranean diet is recommended by the World Health Organization and has been demonstrated by the mayor for the benefit of the owner. No we can create new neurons, but there are new connections in the brain as in the spinal cord that is a form of prevention condition “, concluded.
